> I am having Sound latency issues with Crosswalk Beta Build, but not on Cocoonjs, I still prefer to use Crosswalk for my apk's, is there anything im missing that is causing this? Imported PCM 16 bit audio files, and works fine on Crosswalk Emulator ,Chrome and IE, but not after compiling.
> I also tried the apk on more than one device, HTC One, Desire 500, and a few samsungs, all same issue.
Hi, just sorted that sound issue. Basically, just uses the Beta build setting in Intel XDK: http://prntscr.com/32qdbl when building. It sorts out a BUNCH of bugs! .... but it exports an even larger APK file lol.
Thanks for the help, I have tried beta build and still the same problem but its better than stable build, for now I used cocoonjs and was able to successfully release my first game to Play Store, I think Crosswalk will be better than Cocoonjs but not at the current time.