Phoenixbowman's Forum Posts

  • Is there anyway to do this with Rex's or another plugin? Kongregate says in their checklist that the game should look for purhcases at start up:

    I don't see anything in Rex's that let you do that. I see a way of purchasing items, which is good. But there is no way for the game to check to see if the item has been purchased. Since Kongregate requires that and if ppl have used Rex's before there must be a way of doing it, or Rex's doesn't do it and there's another plugin.

    Cordova has: Purchase, on purchase successful, has product, restore purchase, and restore successful. Is Rex's missing those? If it is missing them is there another plugin that lets you use Kreds in Construct 2?

  • Git, node.js, Java, Cordova and the Android SDK though involves writing dos commands. All of the alternatives, except for Phone Gap, involve writing Dos commands, dont they?

    Also having to write Dos commands means its going to take considerably longer publish apps for testing and uploading.

  • Intel is ending its build server this June. That's absolutley ridiculous. Basically whats used to take files from Construct 2 and make them into android apps, apple apps, and windows apps is being ended >< Why, idk.

    Which leaves us Construct 2 mobile devs with using another program if there is one, writing dos commands, or using Phone Gap which is $10 a month if you have an app that is more than 50mb or if you have more than 1 app that you want to use Phone Gap to build it with in terms of converting it for a mobile store. ... -intel-xdk

  • Kongregate has a checklist for uploading games. One of them is if you use IAP there is checking for purchased items.

    I got Rex Rainbow's IAP plugin for Kongregate. I think i figured out how to do a purhcase. I dont know how to do a Restore Purchase or check for Purchase. Does Rex Rainbow plugin Kongregate IAP let you Check for Purchases and Restore Purchases.

    Like Cordova has Restore Purchase and Check for Product. Does Rex Rainbow's plugin do that, or is there another plugin for Construct 2 IAP Kreds?

    Kongregate requires that you check for purchased items. Also for the player I'd like to have a way they can restore purchases too. Like click a button check for purchases.

  • Do you have the Cranberry Cordova plug-in? Do on Start of Layout Cordova Game login. Basically on start of layout, in the action select Cordova Game and do login. Make sure you get the Cordova game number from Google Play and put that into the Cordova Game object.

  • Did you export your game for Kongregate in construct 2?

  • If the font is too big it may not display. Try increasing the size of the text box. Especially with a score, you may want to make it really wide too depending on how high your score goes. So the text has room as the score goes up.

    Say your Score variable is "Points" and your score text is called "ScoreBoard" Whenever you have the score change have an action that says Set "ScoreBoard" to points. When you type it in it should show a dropbox of items. Select your variable for the Score, in this example, "Points".

    So score changes Set "ScoreBoard" to "Points" as in the variable for the score.

  • Bumping again. I found Rex's and it lets you buy stuff, but Kongregate says there has to be a way of checking for previous purchases. In their checklist for sending in games they mention checking for things that have already been bought.

  • Exit application is not in the most recent version of Construct 2.

  • I was getting stuck on Key Missing because i figured I had to set something up for if the Key was missing, like if exists do this, if missing do that just in case it was missing. Like for a situation in case it was missing, but cleared the storage and did that set up and it works!

  • Thank you everyone! It works now. i was so confused when I saw NaN and I was like arrr (like a pirate but im not a pirate if that makes sense) but you all helped thank you it works now.

  • I had it working before but was checking what happened if the Key got removed. Now it's all messed up. No matter what i do in terms of Key existing, not existing, getting key, on key get, etc, it always shows NaN ><

  • I had it it just says NaN >< I have check item exists on start of layout. If it exists get key. after getting key set global variable to the key value.

    I noticed you can do LocalStorage.Key and LocalStorage.CurrentValue but there is no way of referring to a key name in those.

    I keep getting NaN when i run it.

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  • It works just fine, unless you remove the Key then it says NaN I set up a text box to show the Key value, Every second it updates a global variable. When I have it it works fine but say they uninstall and then re-install the game, the Key is missing. Using that method up there the Key value shows NaN. Like where its supposed to update the global variable with the Key value it says NaN. I've tried various combos of check to see if Key exists etc but its stuck on NaN.

    When the Key is there it works great. but when the key is removed, say they uninstall the game and re-install, the Key is gone. i try checking if exists but it says NaN.

  • Is there another way to keep track of time played across the app being closed? I know about Variables and every x seconds doing something. And storing in global variables. But global variables get reset when the app is closed, and I have is so Global Variables reset when they start a new game. Is there another way to store numbers besides Local Storage, or is local storage the only way to go for keeping track of time played across the app being closed?