Phobos002's Forum Posts

  • I use clear-type rendering for my text. But if you are looking for sprite-ish fonts, then you should use a font like System or use the sprite font plug-in.

  • I would like to add another solution if you dont mind.

    Another way to do this is to use "Object is overlapping at offset" condition. So if you are overlapping the sprite at, lets say, 50 pixels away, it would run some actions.

    Yet another would be the expression: "distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)", which calculates the amount of pixels away you are from that object. Its very neat and useful!

    I know your problem is solved, but I want to feel like I'm helping the community.


    [quote:3dl7vqce][v0.33a Forums Alpha]

    -[FIXED] I misspelled 'right' in readme.txt (Double Whoops!)

    -[FIXED] Powerups dont spawn outside the layout.

    -[FIXED] Bullets can now be seen better.

    -[FIXED] Bullet Hit Particles spawn where the bullet hit and not where the zombie is.

    -[CHANGED] Shotgun now fires 8 bullets instead of 5.

    -[ADDED] Nodegraph for future Enemy Navigation (Not a finished feature) and better Powerup spawning.

    -[ADDED] New Main Menu


  • making linear map like in L4D could be somthing really fun to play.

    I was thinking more of a wave system on 3 different levels, with different types of enemies.

  • UPDATED: v0.32a

    [quote:3cthvxob][v0.32a Forums Alpha]

    -[FIXED] Wrong version number in readme.txt (Whoops!)

    -[CHANGED] Shotgun now gives 15 shells.

    -[CHANGED] Made powerup lights bigger.

    -[CHANGED] Made Layout larger.

    -[ADDED] Cool Camera with no custom plugins.

    Todo List:

    -[MAJOR] Easy Restart Function after death.

    -[MEDIUM] Display Scores on Main Menu.

    -[MEDIUM] Make screen shake when shooting

    -[MEDIUM] Logos for HUD

    -[MINIMAL] Machine gun Sound


    -[UNDECIDED] Different zombies clothes upon generation

    -[UNDECIDED] On-The-Fly upgrade system


  • I don't know if this was the fix you were hoping for, but I changed it to spawn on Layer 1 (where Player is set) and it worked fine.

    I'm still new to Construct, but I think you're telling it to spawn on Layer 3 and since it can't find Player there, it's just spawning in random areas of the layer. You can move around and the spawn point changes with you.

    Ugh, I was trying to make the bullets brighter by putting it on the Lightmap layer, but it didn't work, and I forgot to put it back. :


  • I am having some problems with image points.

    I am making a zombie shooter that makes fun of zombie shooters in general, and it will have a funny campaign mode where the game will be 'leaked' and have all of the terror of the internet swarm in and n00b up the place, and alongside it will be multiple jokes, along with some inside jokes and some somewhat-inside jokes for my friends.

    The problem is that I made a larger layout, because larger layouts are the thing these days, and I noticed the bullet spawned when shot is near the bottom right of the screen. This does not happen inside the 031a.exe but in the cap where I was working on it. I have NO idea where to start, so if you guys could help me, that would be great! ...

    And, no, Enable Scripting is not on this time, Rojohound...

    EDIT: The layout name is "Larger Map". Click "Run LAyout" while you are on it to get my problem. Just wanted to say that just in case.

  • Python

    - [Fix] The runtime will no longer crash if "Enable scripting" is checked and python scripts aren't used. (Rojohound)

    I think I have had the most problems with that. I would try to make a Python script, give up, then forget to disable that. Then complain that my game isn't working, and then Rojohound would come in and be all like "Hey, Enable Scripting is on, again. Turn it off now." and I would be all like "omg srry!!!!"

    Awesome release!

    EDIT: I think Ill wait until the stable release, however...



    [v0.31a Forums Alpha]

    -[CHANGED] Zombies being hard to see due to fog object. Fog is more transparent.

    -[CHANGED] Spawn rates for each difficulty doubled.

    -[CHANGED] Zombies deal damage based on Zombie Power. I.e. ZP = 5 then Damage = 5

    -[CHANGED] Weapons deal more damage.

    -[FIXED] Game Over saying Demented was unlocked when it really wasn't. No indicator ATM.

    -[FIXED] Pistol has working firerate

    -[ADDED] Best scores recorded in profile.dat

    -[ADDED] readme.txt

    Todo List:

    -[MAJOR] Easy Restart Function after death.

    -[MEDIUM] Display Scores on Main Menu.

    -[MEDIUM] Logos for HUD

    -[MINIMAL] Machine gun Sound


    -[UNDECIDED] Different zombies clothes upon generation

    -[UNDECIDED] On-The-Fly upgrade system


  • (Originally titled 'Yet Another Ghost Shooter Ripoff!')

    I was messing around in FL Studio one day and made a cool sounding song

    for once

    , and I thought "God I wish I had something to use it in!". So I decide to make a small game; Nothing too small or too big, just something for mindless fun. I had finished a playable version (v0.3a to be exact) and created a Changelog and such. I also made a theme song (Which I believe lacks more than the actual in-game music, for some reason) for it, which plays at the main menu. There are many more features then just THAT, for cryin out loud! Just play the damn thing!

    Screenie: <img src="">

    (Yes, I took a snap of the very start of the game. Woo.)

    Latest Version:


    Up, Down, Left, Right = Movement

    Mouse = Aim & Fire


    Health = Gives you more health. Limit is 200.

    x2 = Doubles damage. Picking up another will extend the time and multiply it again, setting it to x8! Limit is x8.

    -1 = Lowers Zombie Power, making newly spawned zombies weaker. Limit varies based on Difficulty.


    Shotgun: Fires 5 bullets with a x3 dmg multiplier on each bullet. Slow fire time.

    Machine Gun: Fires bullets with no multiplier automatically.

    Pistol: Fires individual bullets with a x2 dmg multiplier per-click. I could of sworn I added a rate-of-fire already though. :

    BRO-TIP: Zombies each spawn with Unique parameters. Each one has separate Health, Damage, Speed, and Size.


    Must be playing on Hard Mode.

    Score: 100,000 or higher

    Kills: 150 or higher

    Zombie Power: 10 or higher

    Please post some ideas or criticism!


    The above was a C/P of what I posted on a different forum. Now, let us discuss the future of this...MONSTROSITY.

  • There's no need to bump your own thread. It hasn't even been a day yet.

    If you want people to be interested in your thread, perhaps you should tell them what the game is about and post a screenshot. People don't tend to download stuff unless they have some idea about what it is.

    Also, get Dropbox. Megaupload is terrible.

    Good point, Ill put a video in the first post.

    Also, I did see you guys using dropbox, but I didn't want to use it because you had to download it. (Me being lazy).

    Im going to DL it now.

  • Uh...Bump?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I was tired of making myself make large projects on the get go, so I am trying to make a sorta small and extremely simple game to get used to making games, then I could work on larger projects.

    WARNING: Crude Humor ahead!

    EDIT: R is Quickload and S is Quicksave


    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Fantastic! C1 is my favorite Game Creation Platform, and C2 sounds like its going to be ground breaking!

    I've always wanted to create a retail game with construct (Mainly to help my family and such), and I was wondering if purchasing C2 will allow you to sell/publish your work?

    Can't wait to see it!

  • So the different objects are just frames of the edi_block sprite. To add a new object, add a new frame. That's all.

    Yes, but the problem is that the blue background is a VOID that is not meant to be seen. I would rather like a second object representing object spawns that overlap the terrain. I fixed this any-who, thanks to the below information:

    Click on the small plus sign to the left of the condition to reveal the whole event tree. There's actually a loop below that, which sets the value at the current array position to the frame number.

    My reaction: WAZZAWHAT?!?

    But thank you so much for the help! I am defiantly crediting you in the credits!

    EDIT: Actually I guess I will end up using objects in the thingamajig because its easier. I forgot I can set the things back to a space after the layout starts.