[WIP Thread] (Yet Another...) ZOMBIE SHOOTER!

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From the Asset Store
Cannon Ball Shooter game assets for 2D bubble shooter puzzle game.
  • (Originally titled 'Yet Another Ghost Shooter Ripoff!')

    I was messing around in FL Studio one day and made a cool sounding song

    for once

    , and I thought "God I wish I had something to use it in!". So I decide to make a small game; Nothing too small or too big, just something for mindless fun. I had finished a playable version (v0.3a to be exact) and created a Changelog and such. I also made a theme song (Which I believe lacks more than the actual in-game music, for some reason) for it, which plays at the main menu. There are many more features then just THAT, for cryin out loud! Just play the damn thing!

    Screenie: <img src="http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/7307/yazspreview.png">

    (Yes, I took a snap of the very start of the game. Woo.)

    Latest Version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21499454/Games/YAZSv033a.zip


    Up, Down, Left, Right = Movement

    Mouse = Aim & Fire


    Health = Gives you more health. Limit is 200.

    x2 = Doubles damage. Picking up another will extend the time and multiply it again, setting it to x8! Limit is x8.

    -1 = Lowers Zombie Power, making newly spawned zombies weaker. Limit varies based on Difficulty.


    Shotgun: Fires 5 bullets with a x3 dmg multiplier on each bullet. Slow fire time.

    Machine Gun: Fires bullets with no multiplier automatically.

    Pistol: Fires individual bullets with a x2 dmg multiplier per-click. I could of sworn I added a rate-of-fire already though. :

    BRO-TIP: Zombies each spawn with Unique parameters. Each one has separate Health, Damage, Speed, and Size.


    Must be playing on Hard Mode.

    Score: 100,000 or higher

    Kills: 150 or higher

    Zombie Power: 10 or higher

    Please post some ideas or criticism!


    The above was a C/P of what I posted on a different forum. Now, let us discuss the future of this...MONSTROSITY.



    [v0.31a Forums Alpha]

    -[CHANGED] Zombies being hard to see due to fog object. Fog is more transparent.

    -[CHANGED] Spawn rates for each difficulty doubled.

    -[CHANGED] Zombies deal damage based on Zombie Power. I.e. ZP = 5 then Damage = 5

    -[CHANGED] Weapons deal more damage.

    -[FIXED] Game Over saying Demented was unlocked when it really wasn't. No indicator ATM.

    -[FIXED] Pistol has working firerate

    -[ADDED] Best scores recorded in profile.dat

    -[ADDED] readme.txt

    Todo List:

    -[MAJOR] Easy Restart Function after death.

    -[MEDIUM] Display Scores on Main Menu.

    -[MEDIUM] Logos for HUD

    -[MINIMAL] Machine gun Sound


    -[UNDECIDED] Different zombies clothes upon generation

    -[UNDECIDED] On-The-Fly upgrade system

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21499454/Games/YAZSv031a.zip

  • UPDATED: v0.32a

    [quote:3cthvxob][v0.32a Forums Alpha]

    -[FIXED] Wrong version number in readme.txt (Whoops!)

    -[CHANGED] Shotgun now gives 15 shells.

    -[CHANGED] Made powerup lights bigger.

    -[CHANGED] Made Layout larger.

    -[ADDED] Cool Camera with no custom plugins.

    Todo List:

    -[MAJOR] Easy Restart Function after death.

    -[MEDIUM] Display Scores on Main Menu.

    -[MEDIUM] Make screen shake when shooting

    -[MEDIUM] Logos for HUD

    -[MINIMAL] Machine gun Sound


    -[UNDECIDED] Different zombies clothes upon generation

    -[UNDECIDED] On-The-Fly upgrade system

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21499454/Games/YAZS032a.zip

  • making linear map like in L4D could be somthing really fun to play.

  • making linear map like in L4D could be somthing really fun to play.

    I was thinking more of a wave system on 3 different levels, with different types of enemies.


    [quote:3dl7vqce][v0.33a Forums Alpha]

    -[FIXED] I misspelled 'right' in readme.txt (Double Whoops!)

    -[FIXED] Powerups dont spawn outside the layout.

    -[FIXED] Bullets can now be seen better.

    -[FIXED] Bullet Hit Particles spawn where the bullet hit and not where the zombie is.

    -[CHANGED] Shotgun now fires 8 bullets instead of 5.

    -[ADDED] Nodegraph for future Enemy Navigation (Not a finished feature) and better Powerup spawning.

    -[ADDED] New Main Menu

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21499454/Games/YAZSv033a.zip

  • Bump, sorry.

  • thats cool man, shame that people rarely comment on peoples games here...

    do you have any begginner tips for fl studio? see i need to make a song right now too : D

    i guess ima gonna use sound fonts, but making a melody.....damn

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  • thats cool man, shame that people rarely comment on peoples games here...

    do you have any begginner tips for fl studio? see i need to make a song right now too : D

    i guess ima gonna use sound fonts, but making a melody.....damn

    Im getting into FL Studio as well. Those are some very beginner songs there.

    But if all fails, I have a friend that makes AWESOME music that I can use for my games and such.

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