part12studios's Forum Posts

  • rexrainbow thanks for the upgrade suggestion, apparently my plugin was the old one so that fixed the iOS crashing issue.



  • anyone have any advice for crosswalk produced apk's that show a solid color across the screen? audio and touch responses seemt to work just the visuals are solid.. and the color is not a scene background color.. in my case it was a light brown..

  • rexrainbow hi Rex, thanks first of all again for making this plugin. However I have a bug to report with it and it would mean a lot to me if you might know of some fix to this. here is my situation:

    I am using Ejecta and this seems to work very well for making porting games.

    Here is a full tutorial ... e-easy-way

    What basically happens is when i hit a scene that has the tag text plugin in it, the app locks up. XCode sees the error and has some feedback about it.. i'm not a proper coder and not used to xcode, but this is what it says when the error occurs.

    xcode says:

    "Ejecta[791:60b] TypeError: 'undefined' is not a constructor (evaluating 'new window["canvas_text"]()') at line 19235 in c2runtime.js"

    this is through the emulator, but i have tested on hardware and the lockup occurs there exactly the same.

    I would keep getting this lockup and i tried a LOT of stuff to fix this. Then for the heck of it, i simply deleted this object and the app no longer locked up (although it was missing some text since the object was gone)

    If you could check this out and find a solution I'd be greatful. If I did something wrong of course I'll be happy to fix, but it seems like it works fine on browser, it's maybe just some syntax thing that the ejecta/xcode environment are looking for that isn't there.



  • Ok so I did some digging on this and I got it to work, but only when i removed the condition "preloads complete". it seems like this hangs up when in iOS. I'm using Ejecta, so I realize this is not the official path to publishing and maybe CocoonJS and XDA don't experience this issue.

    I still have all my sounds set to preload.. not sure if that even does anything or not, but it didn't cause any trouble, it was just the "preload complete" that was hanging things up. I may, if I have time see if I can remove the preloads altogether, however for now, just know that you might have trouble if you use the preload complete command in an app for iOS through EJecta (which rocks)



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  • Hi there,

    I've run into this before in the past, but i'm looking at it again and doing a bit of time consuming trial and error and wanted to get other peoples experiences.

    So I am trying to use preload but it seems to hang up.. basically like this:

    on start of layout:

    preload sound1

    preload sound2

    preload etc etc.. i have about 65 things i'm preloading

    it seems to hang up though when the next behavior is that

    preload complete:

    go to next layout

    perhaps its not needed, but when i setup some alternative ways (adding a button to go to the layout) that works fine.

    the reason i need this is the first real scene, with no preloading seems to have trouble with two audio clips firing off at the same time due to what i can only imagine is some kind of loading lag time..

    so yea i just thought I'd poll others who have used preloading for iOS apps and if there are any tricks or something that I'm missing



  • yea noob mistake on my part... i used mouse object.

    The untangling is tedious, but it's coming along well enough.. i learned a lot in this project..

    my 2nd project I did it right (using touch) ArcadEd Thanks for confirming thought.. its a pain in the **** but the lesson is taken in stride



  • Hi there,

    So I'm in the process of swapping out an extensive number of mouse click events with touch events. this is tedious and certainly prone to bugs.

    I was just wondering if there wasn't some kind of systematic way to replace all.. kind of a "find all / replace".. or some kind of override..

    like "every time a touch is made, count it as a click"

    I'm not sure this is possible, but I at least wanted to pose the question for anyone out there who might know an answer or lay to rest my question and for others who might have a similar situation



  • yea that's what it sounds like he's looking for. if i understand you right, it sounds like you want to have a kind of popup like you see with items found in world of warcraft armory and other websites.. it would seem that you could make kind of effect (although not a word specific as you might like) by having the name of the item be a text object.. then a mouse over occurs, create another container object perhaps that holds a background graphic and the information needed.

  • ah ok now i see.. so yes i put two sub events.. one cluster which includes the OR, which i never thought to do it that way.. i thought just having two objects next to each other would be sufficient, not using an or to have them both be compared.. then i had the 2nd sub event have the "it is these specific things".. so things next to each other is basically "and" right?

    If that's true, then that explains why having them next to each other not working because then I'm basically saying.. something is var1 AND var2 which never happens..

    So I can see now that basically having multiple touch events side by side can be problematic.. using these sub events allows the same touch event to be compared to several things.. this explains some other issues I've had in the past, which I had to workaround.



  • GodSpear could you explain a little more? i'm not sure i totally get what you're situation is. From what I can gauge, you mean something like this:

    you click a word and that pops up a text bubble and text field and that text being displayed on the fly is not showing any formatting?

  • Hi there,

    Ok so I have this bug I'm trying to isolate on iOS that doesn't happen in browser (I'm using Ejecta).. I believe I can isolate the cause, but its the logic i'm trying to setup to better do this that's giving me trouble.

    The project I have can be thought of a chapters and pages.. there are 5 chapters.. and each has various pages.. when it hits a certain page in the first chapter, it locks up.. i'm trying to get past it without breaking other things to see if this bug is the only of its kind or if it occcurs again in a similiar situation in the following chapters (each chapter having this same scene appear in it behaving in a similar fashion.

    so here's what I'm having trouble with.. ... 0issue.PNG

    my logic above is trying to say.. "when this is this page and chapter, do one thing", any other time do the normal thing.." but the behavior in the program is behaving as such. Instead it seems to freeze at chapter 1, page 1.

    I want to create a rule that is to the effect.. when I click the "next page" button and I'm on i'm in chapter 1 page 11, jump past the next page to the next chapter... if it's not the page, then behave normal..

    Part of me thinks that maybe if i could get a big OR in between these too that might help, but I've had trouble understanding how to properly nest groups of events. Whenever I've used or, it's making everything in a single group each have an OR between it.. this is fine in some cases, but I would want the OR to be between two groups of code and I can't seem to figure out how that would be achieved.

    any advice on this would be much appreciated. it seems very simple and straight forward, but the results indicate i'm doing something wrong.

  • yea i did notice performance took a hit when i went to 2048x1536.. how could you get the tilemap system to work with the simplex noise plugin? It's vital to use the noise generation / seed stuff. even if i have to work in limited spaces like this, i would probably link locations.. so there could be a lot more maps than just the one..

    Here is what I have so far.. its important that the various blocks are interactive..

    notice you can click the brown dirt.. you have to click the rock blocks three times to destroy them..

  • EncryptedCow yea that's a great point.. I guess how they are spawned wouldn't change their behavior once created.

    Now this simplex noise plugin.. that sounds very interesting thanks! I couldn't find much on the theory behind how random groups of things could be generated.



  • yea i see that now. I wasn't familiar with MIME.. that it was something that required action on my part.

    yea that is true about the touch to hear sound, but that's usually addressed by having some kind of "touch to continue" prompt which feels natural to the user and achieves the need for touch.

    I was just testing on my Galaxy S4 and it seems like sound is terribly delayed, not sure why that is, but i can't imagine its anything C2 has control over.. its so slow it's almost like the preloading is occurring with each touch.. but that's for another day i guess..



  • Hi everyone,

    So I have this game i want to explore.. It's basically a 2d top down minecraft-esk game. I ran into this problem with GameSalad as well, but I highly suspect there IS a solution with C2 that simply doesn't exist with GameSalad.

    here you can see i'm making a tile grid and i'm using "ever tick" to fill the screen with tiles. this is pretty fast, but far from instant. What would be the best way to create instant grids. This test is relatively few boxes.. I would imagine the game could have many many more.. C2 might not be the right engine for this, but I'd like to experiment with it some..

    Also, bonus question.. the other big unknown would be how to create terrain.. yes this is still top down 2d, but imagine you have a grid world you roam around in.. and there are raised areas that represent random hills and curves that you dig into.. as if you're digging tunnels (think Dungeon Keeper) through these raised areas..

    It boggles my mind how Minecraft and other similar voxel based games are able to create caves and various hills and such.. i wouldn't want to just create random blocks, but more like random groups of block on an x/y plane.. the idea of manually crafting would be in thinkable.. it would be ideal to let the engine generate the terrain.

