part12studios's Forum Posts

  • I've linked the project here if you want to see first hand, but in a nutshell, yea i'm doing a:

    angle(box.X, Box.Y, touch.X, touch.Y)

    the fling effect is achieved doing a:

    physics impulse distance(box.X,box.Y,Touch.X,touch.Y)/2 ...

    so yea if I follow you correctly, I'm not using physics to set direction and don't know how to do that. Any suggestions? I tried things like Physics Force At Angle (not sure i'm using any of them right) but it didn't seem to yield any results.

  • Hi there,

    I'm working on a box flicking game and have most of it working, but there is a tad bit of sloppiness that I would like to find a solution for.

    this is what i have with C2 so far..

    I made this in gamesalad

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    and want to recreate it with C2 but you see how the boxes tend to be fluid and not so prone to freaking out if i move them slow sometimes...

    The big issue is notice how in the C2 version (first link) when you move slowly.. see how it violently shimmies? I would like that to not happen either. would just like it to naturally flow like the youtube example does.

    I'm hoping there is a way to calm the boxes down a little, but not be a cpu intensive solution.



  • yea i don't care what they call the next version of windows.. what i don't want to see is 1. them trying to charge for another OS.. and 2. do anything to bloat performance.. i run bootcamp but i'm also using parallels at times. I appreciate win8 running better than win7 did in my experience.

    Yes you absolutely need to have windows 8 if you want to develop for windows 8 or windows phone 8.. the crosswalk bypass might be good, but i suspect you're going to be taking a performance hit.

    Something I learned that was interesting about windows 8 and C2 from our local Microsoft evangelist who teaches unity and c2 is that the win8 projects compile at a lower level than your traditional "wrapper" approach like crosswalk. Unfortunately for WP8, most HTML5/JS based projects ultimately are running through the IE browser (stripped to just full screen, but still not as efficient).

    If you want to develop for windows 8.1 features you must have 2013.. 2012 is for win8..

  • PhoenixNightly if you can run win7 on your computer win8 will should run ok.. to be honest in my experience with win8 with parallels, It runs a hell of a lot better with less ram than win7 did... keep in mind that win8 is actually designed to run on devices (RT tablets for example) that actually are not far off from your pc's speed because they are arm based and battery conscious forcing them to draw less power than your desktop.

    I would give it a shot (heck of a lot cheaper than a new computer). $40 for upgrade unless the price has changed.. worse case you try, you have a license for your next pc that does run it ok.

    and I agree mepis i didn't know about the xbox controller till i read it from you.. of course i don't own an xbox, but that's beside the point.. everyone should know this stuff if it is going to be of any value. MS is advertising pretty good, but i'm not sure it's really helping developers any.

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been working on porting some projects over to android via crosswalk. Performance seems good for simple game activities, but not so great with realtime physics and I can understand that.

    What I am more concerned with was the laggy audio on my galaxy s4.. and the complete lack of looping music playing at all.

    does anyone else experience this and if so, do you have any advice?

    Secondly is that I'm seeing that these wrappers are adding a LOT of bloat to the size of the file. When using the Ejecta project to port to iOS, I've produced a game that's a 1.8mb IPA.. but take that same project over to XDK and it's around 17mb.. that's a lot of something eating up a lot of space..

    Maybe it's bundling in a lot of unnecessary icon/publishing graphics that are missing in the iOS build,but seriously.. that's a lot of space for very simple games like this one which is my main test subject

    any tips on performance, audio and file size reduction would be greatly appreciated.



  • Very nice, I'd love to know more about wii-u and what could be published there with c2. I know its a stated platform c2 can reach, but has anyone actually been through the process of getting a game made with c2 all the way to the e-store?

  • maybe you need to just dynamically change the graphics themselves.. create the illusion of panning.. if all of the graphics are perhaps modified by a common global var.. then you could shrink/expand/move-left-more-right.

  • what is it that you think they are not pushing? games in general? my experience has been fairly bleak with the games I've published, but the games i published were buggy / underperforming ports from GameSalad. I also really didn't (and honestly still don't) have any real insight into how to market Win8 or WP8 games.

    I think MS could do more, but i think they are doing what is reasonable. It's not their job to market games. it's the developer. they have their top games and give popular apps exposure. They could step up the store to be more like Apple and various Android markets allowing showcases, app of the day, etc.

    As for why these tablets don't do better.. I do think that while win8 has made an effort to bridge the gap between a pc and tablet... the UX is still not there. My wife has my Samsung Slate which is an i5 CPU and runs Win8.1 She uses it for facebook, web and email... and simply put, not everything is really well designed for touch.. sure its possible, but its awkward..

    I'm not saying this is an easy problem to solve, but until they get it right, people are not going to be giving up their iPads and Android tablets that understand that touch UX must be frustration-free. Once, MS does this, I think they will be on to something. The fact that no one else has tried only reinforces that this is not an easy undertaking.

  • if you look at the sprite (double click on it so you see the MS Paint looking view) you'll see an orientation button on the left.. there is a small circle/plus that will appear.. this is your orientation point. if you center it, the sprite will rotate from the middle.. if its in the upper left then it will rotate from that point.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm using Ejecta to port a game. I'm using "Letterbox Scale" and on the browser it plays fine. black boxes on both sides..

    however when i export HTML5 and bring it to Ejecta and publish to iOS it looks like this:

    I don't see anything in the index.js or index.html that i could tweak to center things. The aspect ratio is 16:9 (1136,640) so using scale inner would be tough because if it were seen on iphone4s or older.. or worse.. the iPad, so much game space would be lost it would compromise the game. It may come to that, but really I just want the letterbox to work like it should.



  • yea I'm not sure about that. what are you trying to achieve? i read it that you want to basically see a normal 1136x640 view to squeezing in 6656 pixels of information also into the same 1136 view creating a squishing effect?

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  • if you look under the project properties. click "view" and you'll see "Fullscreen in browser". scale inner is good to fill vertically, scale outer is good for making a project fill from left to right.. but scaling things.

    Letterbox scale is the default which enforces the aspect ratio. I don't really know the exact breakdown of each of the other modes, but they should be in the manual.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hi there,

    i came across this in my search and interest in using C2 apps to transmit midi information from mobile to external devices, however the URL is gone. Has this moved to somewhere else?

  • i see, yea sizing is fine with Ejecta, just seems to ignore the plugin effect (it hides the <class> stuff like it should) like bold and or italics.

  • however i have seen now that it seems that while it does no longer crash, it also doesn't seem to work in iOS. Is that normal? Is there any chance this could work?

