part12studios's Forum Posts

  • I found a way to limp along with it, which i'll go into detail below..

    but in the editor it does this weird distortion thing.. it seems weird that something so specific inside the video card would cause this. also its something that only began happening in R175.. which introduced a new feature that allows mass editing of animations and stuff.

    So it seems very likely that those changes introduced a problem like this. Also I noticed if I do a 90 degree.. see the distortion and close it out.. then the image is correct.. doing this each time for all 4 directions then the rotation works fine.. however i also noticed if i do a number of "rotate 90 degrees" several times, not closing the window with each rotation.. then the image can end up looking like this:

    if it were a video card problem, i would imagine that the images would not be consistent.. in their own inconsistent way.. unless C2 is somehow doing some very video card specific calls maybe.. it does seem like a kind of buffer issue, but its just odd that it's so specific to this one view.

  • Problem Description

    when I go to rotate an image by 90 degrees, the image does rotate in terms of dimensions, but the image gets skewed at the same time.

    Description of Capx

    it is simply a truck graphic on the scene.. nothing more..

    Step 1

    open the file

    Step 2

    double click on the truck graphic

    Step 3

    go to rotate the image by 90 degrees either way in the graphic editor..

    Observed Result

    see the distortion.. click it a 2nd time making it a total of 180 degrees and you'll see it's back to normal...

    Expected Result

    it should just rotate by 90 degrees and still look like itself..

    Operating System and Service Pack

    running windows 8.1 on a Macbook Pro i7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Perfect thanks! I wasn't even sure what that window was called. Sweet.


  • Hi there,

    Super small request that I think would just be nice. Heck maybe it's already possible, I just don't know where to turn it off.

    in this image the "objects with expressions". This image example isn't one where its a big deal, but I have run into situations where it got in the way. I can see how it's useful for some people, but I've just become so used to typing things in the text bar that I never even think about that view.

    I never use the translucent window that pops up. Sometimes it's in my way. It would just be cool if that would stop appearing by default.

    I know it's little, but after having it get in my way a few times I felt it's time to make some kind of official request



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  • Ok so I kept at it this morning (amazing what even a little sleep can do) and realize i wasn't really using families as well as I could. I also tend to pack unnessesary features into tests..

    so i went back to the original example and was able to get the offset to work as it should. very exciting stuff! now that i have the basic offset working.. i will be layering more things back into the game. hopefully though this time the pieces will fit nicely on top of this basic logic.. attached is the improved (and minimal) pick closest capx ... sest3.capx



  • ok that's awesome. now i see how it works. very cool. still a little mysterious, but i'm definitely seeing the results. i have to go back and re-engineer things a bit in my prior version.. I have one more question Arima

    here is the project in it's current state (see capx below as well)

    Is there a way to keep an offset when i click something here? I've spent most of the day today hacking away at different things. I've realized that I believe I don't need the "grip" effect at all, however when you click objects with a mouse and grab something, sometimes it "jumps" to center and this can cause neighboring boxes to get bumped.

    I've tested this on iphone 5s.. and it seems to work really well.. thin walls don't always stop boxes, but the one on the right should be ok and i have space for thicker walls like that.

    Here is the capx in it's current state built from what you did. I added some rules for colliding with the red walls.. but that's

    Thanks so much for your help with this.. it's been challenging to experiment with various possiblities, but it's help me really understand how to use families effectively.



  • ShaneLite yes I had the same problem being unable (as far as I can tell) to PM you, I can be reached at part12studios via Skype. I'm based just outside of Boston, MA. You can see our work at

  • yes about platforms, sorry that was kinda vague.. knowing how to reach those platforms can sometimes have subtle differences and sometimes not.. using XDK for android is not "hard" but it takes some software to install and understanding the process to a point of comfort is time well spent. Same with Ejecta / iOS if you're going for that. Ejecta makes it easy but knowing what things to change in Xcode takes a little time to get familiar with it. Tizen also has a few hoops to jump through. The web portals like Chrome store and Kongregate also have a few things going on with them, but they are generally pretty easy. Facebook has some gotcha's too, but once you get through those it too is easy. here is one of my games and a list of platforms I have reached or will be reaching soon

    None of them are really hard, its just finding the right (working) tutorials/advice that will get the jobs done. The other big time consumer is every app store just about, wants uniquely sized art for screenshots, icons and promo material.. so be ready to put some time into that. ideally work with 16:9 imagines for screenshots, but be ready to crop them / letterbox them down to other sizes like iPhone4s and older screens.. ipad.. and a lot of the promo icons are odd shapes as well.

    Great to know about Wii-U approval time. I'm excited about the prospect, especially since I have just about finished a game adaptation for the Ouya, which means I could reach both consoles with the same game project (with some tweaks of course).

    Also, I would suggest you give yourself some "primer" files that you can reuse for various platforms. you'll notice that of course once you make a 2nd game you have to make all the art for the next game, so what i've found helpful is to make a bunch of black images at each needed resolution to better prepare myself for the storm of promo materials. also be sure you get those darn C2 default graphics replaced early on.. because they will be exported all the time to each platform having to be replaced a bunch..

    Good luck!

  • I would definitely advise you start with something small for your first game.. take your time to learn C2 by trying different quick games and see how they work. You'll learn more doing 2-3 small games in a month than spending a month trying to make one game in the same time.

    it's not just about knowing how to make things do things, but also allowing you time to understand how you like things done in C2 that make sense to you.. as you get more comfortable with it you'll be able to work faster on future games and develop ways that your brain understands stuff.

    now in regards to some of those other questions:

    • I would advise 720p. I did a project in 1080 and ran into a lot of memory problems. Also be sure you observe (this was part of the problem also) that any art created observes the power of 2 rule.. graphics should be multiples of 2 in pixels.. 128x256 32x32 512x512.. there is more on this in blog posts and forum discussions.. also seeing that you're talking about doing pixel art, it's all the more reason why going low will be fine because when you scale up to 1080p.. really there will be no more memory consumed because the graphic sizes are still the same, just scaled up.. and still pixelated...
    • for a megaman type pixel game, be sure you set your properties "sampling" to point rather than linear.. linear will soften edges and blur lines. point will retain the pixel integrity of your art when you blow it way up. also i would suggest your pixel art really be the actual pixels.. like a blocky guy that's 16x32 pixels be that big.. don't make him 256x512 pixels because that' just wasting memory.

    other than that.. again.. start small.. make some simple games.. get familiar with the platform(s) you want to publish too. I've applied to be a Wii-U developer and it's been a few weeks with no news.. maybe that's a bad sign or they just take awhile to get back to you. I'm hoping it's the latter.. but I'm pretty sure that if you go to them with no prior published games, you won't get approved unless perhaps you have an incredible game completed that's getting a lot of praise and hype.

    Good luck.

  • well i'm not 100% sure if this is what you want to do, but I have a game I'm working on that flings things.

    so yea if this is what you would like to be able to do... to "throw" something and have it behave with physics.. basically what you want to look at is:

    apply physics impulse towards position.

    impulse - (distance(Box.X,Box.Y,Touch.X,touch.Y))/10

    x - touch.X

    y - touch.Y

    image point - 0

    you'll also want to have drag/drop working as well.. though i rolled my own so I'm not sure if the drag/drop behavior would conflict with it.

    good luck!


  • good timing for this question. I just got some great help regarding this kind of behavior. What you're looking for is "pick nearest". There is a demo capx file at the end of the first page. i'm still not comfortable with the technique myself, but it should address your problem.

  • are you building this from the tower defense template?

    there is a rule.. it looks like it's line 15.. if you place a turret on a location that already has a turret, destroy them both.. you might want to adjust that rules to not do this.. or handle it differently

  • that's awesome! thanks so much. i'll deconstruct this and apply it to mine tomorrow. I have a long stretch of time to work on it. I'll report back on how I do on it.

    Right now i'm actually having great success with CocoonJS/Ouya porting.. first game is just going to be a totally free game with no IAP, but it seems that everything needed to do trial/IAP stuff is there, I just have to figure out how to plug it up.. and I definitely plan on that for the next Ouya game.

  • Arima and brunopalermo I'm so close! I must be missing some little thing about how the pick closest object works. maybe someone could make a quick demo of how closest select works?

    It seems like what's missing is a way to flag one object in a family, not all of them.

  • Sorry this took so long. I had a vacation coming up shortly after the other post. I hoped I could get in there in time, but ran out of time to test this properly. I'm back now and have spent the morning exploring this. This is what I have so far.

    here you can see I have the "Grip" object attached to the physical object.. this is working great. i'm very close i think to having this working i just need to figure out how to compare both of these (or more in future cases) but only drag the closer of the two rather than grabbing both when they overlap as you see in the link above.

    In short, see how you can grab both boxes if they overlap? I don't want this to happen, I only want it to grab the box that is closest to the Touch x,y position.. this way you could have say. a dozen tiny boxes overlapping, but you only grab the one closest to the touch event.

    I tried what was suggested regarding the family instance variable and it just didn't seem to be working the way I expected. I've researched the "pick nearest" and the manual doesn't go deep enough for me to follow what it's actually doing. Since a family variable is for the whole family it seems that it would just apply the variable to everyone in it, not the nearest. So that's the part i'm confused by.

    I setup the variable as advised to the best of my understanding.. but what I'm seeing is that change to both of the boxes so it negates the point what i would think is the point of the variable. to distinguish which one to touch. You will notice that when you click either of them the number goes from 0 to 1 and back to 0. this is the family variable. what I would imagine is the right result is that only the nearest one would become 1 and thus only that one would drag.

    I must be doing something wrong because i would have though that the pick nearest condition would only effect the nearest object be effected, but a familiar variable seems to apply to all of the boxes in the family.. but then i don't know how i could distiguish boxA from boxB..

    I disabled the distance because it made things act a little strange. by that i mean i could drag things sometimes, but not always. there did seem to be some distance behavior involved, but it didn't exactly make sense.

