part12studios's Forum Posts

  • aah ok I wasn't sure i followed the talk of index stuff and why it matter..

    turns out its actually 6 and 7, but yes I was able to capture the analog input of the controller this way! man talk about some cat and mousing, heh. I'll be sure to come up with some illustration for the tutorial to set the record straight.

    Thanks LittleStain for your help has been amazing as always!

    this effectively maps the entire xbox360 controller. Making it for the Ouya is just a matter of figuring out what buttons are different.

  • LittleStain hadn't because buttons are binary events, but certainly worth a try so I did it and yea it doesn't seem to offer any analog value.. just on/off output.

    Taking that logic I also tried Rawaxis which seemed to produce the same 4 values that the normal Axis offers.

    it seems like there must be a hidden other two analag values somewhere.. I know that the keypress action offers "trigger left" and "trigger right" so I can get that much data from the controller, but if they really do support "xbox360 input" then this data must be in there somewhere to access because it's a standard control input.

    this is an updated version.. it has been updated to reflect a true xbox360 controller.. although my goal is the Ouya, I'd rather work with what Scirra officially supports so this joystick is an xbox controller. getting the ouya's differences (and there definitely are some) can be sorted out later.

  • I'm happy to report the full analog thing is going well.. all I have left to figure out is the trigger analog values.. and how to capture / represent them visually..

    I'm trying to figure out "all things console" with C2 / Ouya so I can make a really comprehensive tutorial... hopefully I don't hit a wall before accomplishing these remaining goals:

    1. getting full mapping for controls working

    2. figuring out how to do IAP through CocoonJS for Ouya.

    thread can be found here

  • So also here is the project attached in it's current state.. i've switched over to doing a configuration for an xbox controller since that's the official controller.. although i believe this is a madcatz from the original xbox, but seems to have all the same buttons.

    I'm also attaching the capx this time.. this is totally setup as it should be except for the analog left and right triggers (up top)

    you'll see a blue and green box up top.. these are meant to be the analog triggers.. i figure they could either just move up and down or perhaps grow/shrink with the increasing and decreasing of value.. full height when the player is not pulling on it..

    What will be nice is this can act as a template for future folks who might want to do something with a gamepad and be sure its working.



  • I had tried (1,1) and (1,2) but hadn't tried that and yes your suggestion worked! Thanks again!

    I didn't know what those values represented.. I thought maybe it was some kind of on / off thing or something.

    So any suggestions on how to get the analog value from the left and right triggers? I've done some testing (0,5) ,etc and that didn't seem to work.. I can get them to react ive they are called on, but not sure how to reach the analog value.



  • So this is a little further along. I've mapped out more buttons and the analog (Left and Right) are linked up

    because as far as I can tell there is no way to define the Gamepad.axis as left or right analog.

    this also raises the question of accessing the analog left and right triggers..

    seems there are effectively four unique analog inputs coming from a standard xbox controller so its critical to know how to track these values independently and from the options listed, I don't get a sense of how that would work.

  • LittleStain yes that worked! I've never used set position before.. i always did set x and set y (which of course I can now see isn't the best way to do it

    So there is only one other question I need to figure out as part of this.. this seems to be a non specific axis input.. but Construct 2 supports left and right joysticks.. so I have to figure out how to capture the raw data from both the Left and Right joystick..

  • Grimbarian the plot thickens with the controller.. i'm close to having it work but i'm stuck on the issue of how do I only listen to one value in a formula screen when I'm given a value like (0,0) because that's how the raw X and Y data comes.. but because I seem to only catch the X value (first 0 of 0,0) the joystick moves diagonally

  • Ok so I've had some success with the analog joystick stuff, but I'm reaching my edge of understanding what is going on with the gamepad.. but I think we're close to having this pegged.

    here is a video of the joystick in motion: ...

    here is a working (kinda) project:

    here is where I believe the trouble is at:

    so in this picture you will see I'm using this basic formula.. both for X and Y..




    so I'm listening to this gamepad.axis value but it has two values.. 0,0 which I assume is for X,Y

    the issue I'm having is I don't know how I would tell Construct to listen to the second value and ignore the first one.. the diagonal motion is basically because when I move either direction I'm adding the same X value to both X and Y which causes the diagonal motion.. if I could listen to that second 0 for the Y events, then everything should be pretty darn peachy.



  • Grimbarian awesome thanks for confirming your experience as well. I probably will reach out to Ashley to see if I'm missing something but first I want to re-read the manual to be sure I'm not overlooking something myself. I'll definitely be sure that thread provides some kind of conclusive state of things with analog joystick stuff.

  • Grimbarian yes I got to play it (and rate it 5 star). very cool! Yea I noticed it's free as well. Yea I'm not sure what it will take, but it seems that if CocoonJS has IAP and C2 has IAP stuff (from what I can tell C2's is pretty generic, so it seems like it can adapt to any platform) however having not even started on that aspect of things I have no idea how feasible it is.. I might need to reach out to Tim to see if he can help

    btw, I was curious. I noticed in your joystick setup your analog responsed to on/off like conditions.. not "analog" which is cool, but I wondered if you did this for similar reasons I'm coming too in my experiments..

    I'm working on my "controller quest" utility/game which is one i'm trying to incorporate a "donate" button to use it as a quick control tester utility to launch something aside from Bee Active and test out IAP stuff

    I can't seem to effectively simulate the analog value in real-time to create a 1 to 1 movement on the screen with what the analog joysticks are doing.. here is the thread making-hud-analog-joystick-that-lines-up-with-gamepad_t111060

    Dpad and buttons are fine, but it really comes down to me not understanding how to work with the analog values 1 to - 1 effectively. it almost seems like there is no way to get those values in a way that can let the realtime degrees effect gameplay.. but this of course doesn't sound right at all so I'm clearly in space I don't fully grasp yet.

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  • this is a better version but ultimately I can only get this to work if the analog joysticks are simply "on" or "off".

    I can see that I can compare any value coming from the joystick, but it seems like it would be terribly tedious to create a bunch of degrees of "between this and that value" incrementally.

    just seems like a fluid system could be created, but I can't figure out how I can capture the true X and Y data from each analog joystick to make use of that data.

    Attached an updated capx..

  • Hi there,

    I'm doing something that uses the analog joysticks for the Ouya at first.

    I'm trying to show the joystick moving on the screen.

    my main focus is on figuring out how to properly capture / quantize the input for both joysticks on the X and Y..

    there is the compare axis, which offers some comparison, but it does't seem to really allow realtime comparison of ranges of value.. since we don't just want simple on / off in this case

    there don't seem to be any actions for "every tick" directly tied to the gamepad... now if i go to "compare to values" from the system i can see a few things as seen in this screenshot

    I just am not used to working with this kind of data.. I was able to capture -1 and +1 data but it seems to only offer X data.. i couldn't figure out how to get the Y data.. and then how to indicate if the data is from the Left or Right analog stick

    I attached the file too



  • TwinTails I'll give that a try, thanks for the suggestion. yea i feel like maybe it's missing something like that.. maybe even destroy / recreate or something extreme like that might be what's needed..



  • Hi there,

    I'm doing a class tomorrow night on Construct 2. I did this platformer at their request. Along the way I discovered how cool sliders could be to adjust variables so I wanted to include one to show them how to do it

    the problem i'm running into is that when I click it with a mouse to drag the bar, i can still access the touch controllers but the game stops responding to keyboard inputs..

    this game uses the left and right arrow keys + the space bar for jumping. I just wasn't sure if there is some kind of "set focus" command that I can't find.

    1. run the game

    2. use the keyboard to see that you can move and jump and such

    3. change the gravity bar up top to any value

    4. notice that the keyboard stops responding.

    5. if it does respond try again because I do think I've seen it sometimes not "Catch" the first time.

    disclaimer (i know this capx is sloppy as hell, this is my first pass quick and dirty project, i plan on showing class how to properly organize their stuff in the process)

