Ashley thanks for validating that. I did notice something.. i tested my video playback test web game on Safari with iOS8 and it seems video is still jacked up and not behaving as you'd expect.. do you know if this is just how things are going to be with iOS8 safari or something that might be addressable by C2?
nicmar try my game "bee active". it's done with ejecta for iOS.. it's also on a ton of other platforms and 100% free ... 49350?mt=8 and if you want to try the web version here to see what i'm talking about
while it might not look like much is going on.. there is a ton of parallax and a lot of things going on and if you die and let the game just go.. it will get hella fast..
bees, pollution, sun, clouds, mountains, rain, flowers, forest, about 20 blades of individual grass cycling.. everything moving at different speeds..
I'm pretty sure you can throw plenty of stuff around without trouble. as it stands phonegap sounds like it might not deliver top performance right now, but it also sounds like the bugs that exist are on the iOS side so theoretically the performance should improve as people update their phones.
However, if you're really pushing a lot of stuff around and it's absolutely necessary for your game to be fun, you might also just have to look into doing optimization (all engines require this, don't think this is unique to construct 2) like pooling assets to avoid a lot of create/destroy actions. Also keep in mind that this game is only doing pooling for grass.. rain and everything else uses "expensive" create /destroy events.
mobile requires planning and ever-conscious effort to be smart about how you do think regardless of the tech you use.