Paradigmthefallen's Forum Posts

  • You do? I personally think it looks alot worse.

    I generally am not a huge fan, but at least it is still usable, and people are willing to listen to ideas. (Yoda: Square Enix/Lucas Arts, the forum heads are not)

  • I thought someone made a tutorial for online multiplayer?

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  • I gotta support a Silent Hill game that goes in the vein of originality (such as Shattered Memories. Best Wii game I've ever played, on par with Red Steel 2).

    However, yeah, are you sure about putting in the time? I once dabbled with the idea of a Bioshock game (still have the sprites), but I realized that it would probably be more than I could handle.

    That, and I'm a lot better at drawing Abstract characters than at drawing people...

  • I played it for about half an hour or so, but it was basically a boring cutscene that you move around in with some guy talking. And some easy "puzzles" from portal 1.

    The story is brilliant.

    But yes, I found the puzzles either lacking in complexity (sometimes I'd literally get stuck -because- I was trying to pull off some crazy stunt like they'd make me do in the first game) or so vague that I almost had to look at walkthroughs to even know what they wanted.

    I completed the first 4 chapters in.. less than 3 hours? I'd say 2 and a half. That was the first bad sign for me...

  • I wish I could create this level of graphics...

  • Haha, cool Nice game, one of the first done in C2 as well! You can get proper transparency support if you install an image editor with alpha support, like Paint.NET.

    Aye, Paint.NET is very easy to use, once you get used to it.

  • For a first game, these images look good. It's got a sort of unrealistic feel that seems strangely appropriate, sort of like a B-movie sort of vibe (no insult meant, just sort of get that feeling).

  • well clicking the link gives me:

    [quote:836jund7]We're sorry, but there seems to be a problem viewing the download profile requested. If you'd like the boring old technical reason for the error this is it:

    "The download requested with an id of (33209) could not be found. This may have occured because this download is not linked to the page requested (eg. downloads will only show up in Halflife's profile if they are linked to that game). The file if not deleted should be viewable via this alternate direct URL."

    We suggest you return to the downloads list and try the links from there. If the problem persists, contact us with the details.


    [quote:836jund7]I lack good animation skills

    Well people are there to ask. If you would just say what sort of animation you are looking for. like Spaceship animation, bullets/projectiles, structures etc. I can produce some of them but some others are totaly uncabale of making.

    I've been having trouble download from ModDB as well.

    As to animation skills... it's more a matter of patience rather than ability. I can draw fairly well enough, but I presently am so more concerned with getting the game working that I've found animating to be... frustrating.

    Frankly though, I am trying to do this project by myself for the time being. I'm not trying to be some snot-nosed idiot saying he can do it on his own -- it's just that right now, I'm not in the greatest need of a 2D artist. Feel free to come up with some concept art if you'd like, but if so, then you'd have to make it stick to one of four themes:

    Circles (with lines with circles on the ends of the lines).


    Circles (just circles this time).


    They must also all be in black and white, and I need a description as to how they could potentially function in-game. After Abstract's main campaign is released, I am considering adding on fan-suggested content anyway, so I'll listen to a few ideas (just know that unless I -really epic fantastically- like them, they probably won't get in until the end).

  • I wish you the best of luck (looks like you really do know where you're going)


    you lost me at the character being half-demonic.

    This is mainly because I feel games in this vein don't take the religious material their using, in a serious manner (visions of Bayonetta regretably pop in my head as I write this). I'm not saying (even though I'm Protestant) that you can't take things from context of Biblical (or pagan) sources and use them in a story. But I feel you need to either do it smartly, or not at all. Just making a character half-demonic, imo, does not make them cool. It seems tacked on to be controversial. Also, if you (like the aforementioned game) casually disregard the religion's actual meaning and context and just twist it into some jumbled mess, then you're going to piss some people off. I'm not trying to seem like a raving zealot here -- I'm trying to help you avoid making the pitfall other games have made.

    I also apologize if my warning seems a bit disorganized. I'm a bit tired right now.

    I just thought I aught to suggest what I've suggested. While there are people like me who will try to be understanding (until a game pushes it too far), but there are others who'll be a pain in your arse over it.

  • Hey, I played your game a while back, it is good for a game that early in development. I enjoy the background but there is ONE problem with it. All the circles in the bacground have that problem when you feel them in and a few pixels are the orginal color of background. I don't know why some people are having trouble making out what-is-what. I can see it fine. My other grips are that you move FASTER then the bullets. Thats kinda...blah. Overall, it's a cool little game.


    As to the bullets moving slower...

    Yes, that's being taken into account.

    Balancing, after having all levels completed, will be made thorough.

    Also, the combat system will have a serious redesign (serious enough that I'll have likely over 80 new events to include).

  • I don't mean to repost, but I wish for this to be separate from my previous post.

    I appreciate criticism where it is due. I don't want to be a mini-Square Enix or Lucas Arts here. All I ask is that... also try to actually say what you -do- like about the game. Because criticism without any positive... just says you're not liking it at all.

    Especially when you reiterating issues I've responded to and am going to be working on over the summer.

  • Alright, I appreciate the feedback but I state this now: This is early in development. This is not the finished project. This is primarily promotional and testing.

    The combat is presently in a major overhaul as I'm considering new ideas I recently had. The turrets on the big ships will be destroyable in the future also.

    However -- if I change the background much further, then it defeats the whole purpose of it being set in the world of Abstract -- it would become nothing more than a bunch of weird squiggly characters shooting each other in an empty void for no reason at all. Considering generally people either do not mind the background, or claim it is annoying, I frankly am left with a divided audience. Perhaps in the future I'll add a feature to disable the background -- but that is the best I'm willing to offer, and in the future you'll realize why it is important.

    Damage ratios are also being reconsidered, but understand the player already is 1/3 weaker in the demo (if my memory serves me right) than they original were. If I take it down much more, a beginner would get slaughtered.

    As to the upset over the speed of movement...

    Abstract presently moves at its intended speed in the game design. Faster speeds produce sporadic movement and break the flow, and the original Abstract moved a great deal slower during initial design. If Abstract moves faster than its enemies, then the running through the level issue becomes even worse than before. Also, it makes colliding happen more often, and later there will be a negative to score when doing such a thing. What this would mean would be to change the present speed would make it more playable to you, and more hectic for all other players. I'm afraid unless it becomes a more valid concern, I won't be changing Abstract's movement speed.

  • A whole bunch of comments but not a word about the game.

    I tried it, but gave up quickly since it used arrows and mouse, and since I'm on a laptop it's kinda hard. However, i'm pretty sure the graphics, even if they are interesting, will be very frustrating after a while since you can't distinguish enemies, bullets, etc. from the background. A good rule of thumb for game design is that every time the player dies, he should think that it was his own fault. In this case, the player will blame the game and give up after a few tries.

    The background is pale gray and white. The characters are all stark black characters with white on the inside. I'm afraid I cannot seem to see the lack of differentiation. Also, a tutorial level will be made to make sure the player actually knows how to tell apart enemies, bullets, the mouse aimer, and the Abstract. This is an early build, so it presently lacks it.

    But thank you for being the first person to actually say something about the game on this thread.

  • I like the screenshot, and I may try the game some time. Gave me some ideas for how to do some of the graphics you use in it.

  • > ... t-the-demo


    What's up with hosting old versions of Construct on your website? That's usually considered bad form, plus I wouldn't trust downloading an .exe from an unofficial page.

    ...okay, clearly you just jumped in with no understanding of IndieDB.

    First: IndieDB is an officially owned website, founded from the founder of ModDB. I don't run the website. The construct engine's downloads are from people posting it that time ago. People are allowed to add their engines/games, so it isn't out of the norm for someone to have forgotten. The engine auto updates. I do not own IndieDB. I just posted my game there.

    Secondly: The site specifically checks every download before authorizing it for download. This isn't like how on Filefront where they just seem to review the content -- it took about a day before my download went live.

    Thirdly: Have you ever heard of anti-malware? Security? Software that can scan files? If I hadn't downloaded that .exe from a website known and trusted for trying to keep viruses out, I would have probably scanned it more than twice (which was how many times I scanned Construct).