Pantsu Champion's Forum Posts

  • Basically, I write articles about games and everything around them. Currently I'm working on a pretty long one about the prevalence of game and asset thefts from independent developers so I'm looking for your experiences and opinions of this in regard to Construct (any version).

    I have TONS of info about Game/FPS Maker, Unity and RPGMaker, amongst others but very little about Construct.

    If you go here: (You'll need to copy and search, sorry)it'll give you an idea of the stuff I write. Yes, I do a cookery article for game snacks once a month, ignore that, it's an excuse for me to eat cake and pies. It's a small blog as I just started but I'm happy to link to your games/sites if you're able to help.

    Thanks lots!

  • Guys (hope someone is still watching this thread), I was wanting to get your opinion/experiences with asset theft in Construct (any version). I'm working on an article for my Tenebris Play Steemit blog about the prevalence of theft divided by engine and have tons for other engines but not much at all for Construct. Any input would be really helpful and I'm happy to link to your games/work at the end of the article.

    It's a tiny but still growing blog and if you want to take a look at the stuff I've done then decide you don't want to be included in the piece then I will totally understand. I'm an asshat, but not that much of one (I hope)

  • 2018 and still relevant. Oh dear XD

  • Oh you absolute star. I'm used to doing the story and character aspect of games but learning to make a full game on my own was a really dumb idea. Thanks for making it feel a bit less daunting.

    Also, for finding what I missed, that too.

  • Kinda funny really - I managed to put together a basic working game before the course but I can't manage a bloody menu. XD

  • I've stripped everything out and still no dice - I must be missing something. Here is the menu capx, it's just the Menu Layout, Menu sheet and GameLayout, there shouldn't be anything else to stop/prevent it from working. - here's the .capx

    thanks for the help - I've spent a couple of days on this so far and it's frustrating me horribly.

  • Yep, it's flashing.

  • Still does nothing for either of them. The gamepad and keyboard work in-game but not at the menu screen.

    I'm using a sprite for that which says 'Press Start' so the gamepad/keyboard should just need to have a button pressed and the Gamepad object should just pick up the controller when the button is pressed.

    I must be missing something, but the lecturer hasn't gotten back to me yet and couldn't find anything wrong the first time I showed him the code.

  • Hi all, back again - I'm doing a course on Construct 2 and have hit a stumbling block, so could really use your help!

    I think this is right, I want the game to see if a gamepad is connected and to start when a button is pressed or, if the gamepad isn't present, to start with a keyboard key.

    So far, I can get to the menu screen but it doesn't recognise any input. Any idea what I am missing/what I have wrong?

    Thanks lots!


  • You are an utter legend!

    And I'm a bit of a moron for missing that, thank you so much! It's a huge weight off my mind!

    Seriously, thanks for all of your help and patience guys, I really appreciate it.

  • Thanks guys, they're both the freshest installs and I already set it as preview browser - got nothing.

    I'm running Windows 10 Professional 64bit, r.252 64 bit of Construct 2 and NW.js from the latest link (I reinstalled everything yesterday just in case, still no joy).

  • Hi all, I recently started to use Construct 2 Personal. I've installed NW.jsforC2 and want to use it for preview. I've tried going into the Preview section of Preferences and selecting NW.js as well as pointing the Custom Browser option toward it but it doesn't do anything other than open up Chrome localhost:50000.

    Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing. I've searched the forums and Google and still gotten nowhere so here I am.

    Any help would really be appreciated, as I'd prefer to have this right before I get around to learning how to use the engine for game-making.

  • Cheers dude! Got it sorted but it's good to know for future!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nevermind, I managed to drag a cached copy from Cloud! Thank goodness!

  • Guys, I just updated the program but now it's on free mode again. I can't find the license file or email and I'm in the UK so Paypal is not being very helpful (their servers are not letting people into their accounts and customer service just wants me to ring in the morning. Again.).

    Any ideas? I've tried all the usual stuff to try and get into my Paypal account so I can at least send in the payment ID but I'm not sure what to try otherwise. ;_;