pandabear7413's Forum Posts

  • I currently am on a monthly individual plan and want to upgrade to the annual plan. I don't see a way to do that. Maybe I just need to wait until the last day of my paid monthly subscription, cancel it, and then buy the annual plan?

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  • I made some changes to my project recently and it seems the audio's not working the way it was before. It may be a browser issue and/or I'm not remembering things correctly, but I want to make sure I'm avoiding any future issues. Here's what's happening:

    • Action: I press F5 in the c3 editor to preview layout
    • Result: audio works as expected
    • Action 2: Without interacting with the preview window / browser in any way, I press F5 to reload the preview window (preview window is the window with focus, not the c3 editor)
    • Result: audio is muted until I interact with the window, at which point it sounds like the audio's trying to 'catch up' (plays sounds that should have occurred a few moments before

    Does this sound normal, and is there anything I can do in the code to make the audio always work in the preview window?


  • My sprite animations have multiple image points representing different things, like hit box locations and where to spawn explosion sprites. The IPs are consistently named (e.g. impactPoint, explosionPoint). But the IPs vary with different instances / animations and only exist on certain frames.

    I'm looking to implement logic like:

    if (animation frame has image point "imagePointName")

    do something at image point "imagePointName"

    However, I don't see a way to find/identify IPs by name, only by number. And this doesn't work since the number isn't tied to the IP name. E.g., depending on the number of IPs in the individual frames, on frame 1 the "explosionPoint" may be IP 1, but on frame 2 the "explosionPoint" may be IP 2.

    Thoughts on how to achieve what I'm looking to do?

  • I'm loading array data from a .json file using the AJAX object. I'd like to modify that .json file at runtime and reload the new data into the array at runtime as well. I'm using the Array editor to modify the .json file and save it. The file itself has been modified, but when I try to reload the .json file into the array the array data is unchanged. It's as if the .json file is cached at startup and cant be changed during runtime. FYI this is not functionality I plan to allow in the final game, but it helps me debug during development. And I'm running this in Chrome.

    Is this expected behavior, or am I doing something wrong? There's mention of file access available when exporting to NW.js, is that required for this file-reload functionality?


  • PERFECT!!! Setup with github now, thanks guys!

  • Curious if folks have recommendations on a source control system to use when developing w/ C3? I have no SCM experience but figured I can give it a go. The team is just me and I don't see expanding the team for at least a year.


  • Well that certainly answers my question! I guess I could have tried that before overthinking it. Thanks!

  • I'm just starting out on a platformer and I'm currently using a single Audio object to handle all audio for my game. However, it's becoming difficult to manage the timing of all the different audio (player voice, enemy's voice, sound effects) with the single Audio object. Is there a best practice for how many Audio objects can/should be used in a game? Should I try to use just one, or should I have separate ones for the player, each enemy, sound effects, music, etc?


  • Sorry it took so long to respond (had just left for vaca) but this worked like a charm - thanks!

  • I want to play a punch sound on specific animation frames. If I use the following, I get an echo effect because C3 plays the sound once every 1/60th of a second that the animation frame is playing:

    I can do the following, which will prevent the sound from playing again until it has completed playing:

    However, this wont work as I do want some overlap, and I don't want to wait for the full punch audio to end before I can play another. The best solution I came up with was:

    I'm not a fan of this option, since I'll have a lot of sounds playing and will need a lot of these soundPlaying variables to keep track of. It's just not very clean.

    Is there an easier solution?

  • Thanks, that worked!

    My game has several functions, with some functions being called from others. So when using families, is the rule to ALWAYS use a for/each condition when calling a function that performs actions on the family members? Does this apply when calling functions from functions? Or should I try to minimize functions use entirely? I'm using functions to keep my eventsheet clean, but maybe I shouldn't?

  • I'm trying to understand how I can call functions for each member of a family that meets certain conditions.

    In this example, I want all members of the enemies family to move away from the player if they have LOS. Enemies to the right of the player are moved using a 'simulate' action. Enemies to the left of the player are moved using a 'simulate' action inside function.

    When I move player to the right, all instances of enemies that have LOS move to the right. Bet when I move to the left, only once instance moves.

    It seems that functions only apply to one family member at a time. How can I make it so that all enemies to my left move using my function?