After a few more tests I found that the collision trigger is not the source of the problem. This is the contact point that is not "triggering".
You can test it in this capx :
You control the big green thing (this is basically the file I use for the players hitbox in my project. I swear that this is NOT what it looks like ^^'). You control it with the keybords arrows, via physics forces and torques.
The smaller green object is basically an enemy's hitbox and the black rectangle is an imovable object.
If you jut go foward and collides with the "enemy", you will notice that the texts object at the top left corner will show the collisions and the number of contact points. You should also noitce that sometimes (like 10%), the ContactCount will not change, despite the collision effectively happens.
The easiest way to experiment this is to "push" the enemy to the black imovable object and than go for a number of collisions with it by just going backward=>foreward. You should sometime see the contact counter stay the same despite the collision counter go up.