otomecha's Forum Posts

  • Update both Chrome and C3, and see if it makes any difference.

    I updated chrome and removed the extensions but no luck :(

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  • I'm also experiencing continuous crashes for a while, by:

    -Exporting to html5

    -Exporting to NW.js

    -Also, by just hitting the save button

    I uninstalled Chrome and freshly installed it again without any extensions etc... But still keeps crushing not sure why. I disabled everything like Antivirus, etc... but still no luck.

    I opened a bug report here:


    This happens even with new empty projects as I show in the video that I posted there.

    Not sure if yours is related though you didn't provide much info, like which platforms are you exporting to etc...

    Hey, thank you for your reply! I've experienced it when building for android, both apks or android studio projects :)

  • Hello!

    I've noticed when I build in the new version I get this crash. The build is done anyway, but I'm not sure what's the problem and If I need to change anything.

    Error report information Type: unhandled exception File: https://editor.construct.net/r358/main.js, line 1917, col 242 Message: Uncaught TypeError: d.getModifierState is not a function Stack: TypeError: d.getModifierState is not a function at rr.g.ki.NLa (https://editor.construct.net/r358/main.js:1917:242) at aj.g.avc.zd (https://editor.construct.net/r358/main.js:1919:416) at https://editor.construct.net/r358/main.js:1919:139 Construct version: r358 URL: https://editor.construct.net/ Date: Fri Oct 13 2023 12:07:10 GMT+0200 (hora de verano de Europa central) Uptime: 213.2 s Platform information Product: Construct 3 r358 (stable) Browser: Chrome 118.0.5993.70 Browser engine: Chromium Context: browser Operating system: Windows 10 Device type: desktop Device pixel ratio: 1.25 Logical CPU cores: 16 Approx. device memory: 8 GB User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Language setting: en-US WebGL information Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium) Numeric version: 2 Supports NPOT textures: yes Supports GPU profiling: no Supports highp precision: yes Vendor: Google Inc. (Intel) Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) UHD Graphics (0x00009BC4) Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11) Major performance caveat: no Maximum texture size: 16384 Point size range: 1 to 1024 Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, EXT_texture_norm16, KHR_parallel_shader_compile, OES_draw_buffers_indexed, OES_texture_float_linear, OVR_multiview2, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_multi_draw, WEBGL_provoking_vertex

  • Hey Ashley thank you for replying!

    So, I suspect the ANR one may not be the logo one, nor the "loading" one, but the extra screen that comes after.

    Some weeks ago I posted this, so as you see after the loading bar (which takes like half a second) it gets stucks randomly.


    Not sure why this happens :/

    In my case I have the preload audios disabled and the loader bar.

  • > Thank you very much for your comment! Is there a post where I can find the possible tweaks for Admob? :O



    Thank you taking a look at it right now! I need to actually ADD those lines right?

  • In my case, fredriksthlm's fix suggestion unfortunately didn't help. I deduced that the problem started occuring in r303 when Construct changed the way that the splash screen works.

    What partially fixed the issue for me was building the game as Android Studio project then open it in Android Studio, go to "Edit - Find - Find in files" and find this line of code

    cordovaInterface.pluginManager.postMessage("setupSplashScreen", splashScreen);

    and delete it.

    This means there might be a few seconds of black or white screen instead of the splash screen which is not ideal, but at least the ANR rate for my game went from 4% to 0.28%

    Here's what Ashley said on the matter of trying to fix the issue by changing the implementation of the splash screen on Construct's part:

    > ... I also don't want to have to reimplement a splash screen, which will be difficult to get exactly right, just to work around a bug in Google's code. Google should fix the root cause issue. I also have no idea how it could take several seconds to even display the built-in progress bar, that seems weird.


    > In short I don't think there's any action worth taking on Construct's side ...

    The issue first occured after Construct updated the Cordova version it uses and therefore updated the splash screen implementation which appears to cause the high ANR rate. But I didn't find any information that would suggest that this exact issue affects anyone else using Cordova outside of Construct 3

    Thank you for your input! Yeah actually I have a live version with this line commented rn and for now the "android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce" dissappeared...

    I have another issue with loading ads causing lag that I also need to tackle.

  • If you build yourself (with Android Studio, instead of some build service) you can change a few things for Admob which can get the ANRs down. (Load it on another thread). Also you can tweak the splashscreen settings.

    Also worth for you to test is to build a new build today, which will use the updated Android cordova version. It has updated versions of various libraries, the splashascreen for example.

    I don't know if it makes any differences for you though.

    Thank you very much for your comment! Is there a post where I can find the possible tweaks for Admob? :O

    Regarding the update I wasn't sure if they actually tackled the issue :/ I'm scared so far since I'm in a critical situation rn and I'm basically hotfixing. Lemme know if you try it!!

  • Hi.

    I share your pain!!!

    The r302 version pleased me and gave me very few ANR errors.

    After upgrading to r308 and above, my ANR error rate has increased tremendously.

    I dropped a lot in the rankings and my earnings decreased a lot.



    We never found a solution to the problem and it's a pain.

    Thank you for sharing! Yeah my revenue went down by more than 50% and keep falling... I can't believe any work around was proposed by any of the parts. This basically makes android games useless since you won't be able to rank and get any download.

    I tried to revert to 302 but I couldn't open my project there, so I did the "commenting" thing on android studio -_-

    I also purchased Chadori's plugin to get the admob thing from there, I have some errors clearly referring to admob, but not sure if it's on construct side (maybe the sdk they are using) or on google side, which after we saw it's totally plausible.

  • Hello guys!

    For those with android live games on PS...

    I had a game on the store that was updated sept last year, last month I finally pushed an update, but I noticed the ANRs went up. They are since then above the bad behaviour treshold :(

    Unfortunately this dragged my ranking down dramatically after a month and I'm desperatedly looking for a solution. I haven't added any external plugin.

    As you see the top Native method - android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce are impacting a lot of users.

    I've seen other topics open talking about the "Splash Screen" topic. But I'm not sure what was the solution they found if any :(

    Thank you for your time!

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Hello!

    I have a small doubt reagarding googleplay usage.

    I have a set this actions for googleplay.

    But I don't have achievements, or anything like that. At somepoint I added it because I thought it was needed for the mobileIAP to sync. But I'm not sure this is actually true.

  • There will be updates.

    Here are the discussions.




    Thank you for the heads up!

  • Hey!

    I updated my game and I got this warning from GooglePlay... Is it gonna be updated? :o

    Thank you

  • Hello!

    Testing my game I've noticed from time to time it takes a lot of time for it to load (in android) I don't know if anybody else had a similar issue. I tested it in the same phone, same background apps, etc. So 1 out of 5 times it got stuck in a very long loading time.

    I've recorded a video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I've noticed some people complaining about the game 'never loading' in some reviews and I have some ANR's that I suspect comes from here. Any insight of what it could be?

    Things I've tried:

    +Disabling preload sounds

    +Disabling the simple minifying

    +All the loader styles (which are mostly useless, since they dissapear in like 0.5 seconds)

    +Adding a custom loader

    It may be that I have too many gfx, but then this should happen always, but it happens randomly under the same conditions (same battery, no apps in the bg...)

  • Instead of Set JSON.Current key to 1 try this:

    Set "." to 1

    This worked! Thank you!