otomecha's Forum Posts

  • If there are no objects in the project using a Construct addon, then that addon won't be included in a build. You can use the 'View used addons' tool by right-clicking the project name in the Project Bar to view all the addons used in the project, and find all objects of that addon kind (since you may have renamed the object so you can't find it any more). However if you use a different Construct plugin and it still references the same Cordova plugin (like chadori-applovin-max-mediation), then you'll still get the same Corodva plugin in your build. That could come from any addon you use in your project - there isn't a 1:1 relationship between Construct addons and Cordova plugins.

    Thank you! By using the View Used addons thingy I could spot the culprit and delete it.

  • Hello!

    I was trying to implement ad mediation in my game and I started by trying with APPLOVIN MAX, using the plugin of chadori. However I had to change to IronSource since applovin left the google program for families and my app is targeted for kids.

    Long story short, I reimplemented everything with the new addon and removed the applovin one from the project. However I noticed the build size wasn't going down, which was weird because the applovin plugin is like 20mb.

    So when I checked the export for android studio I realized the addon was still there, eventhough I deleted it from the project...

    I tried deleting the folder and opening it again in Android Studio, but If I try to find "applovin" a lot of references appear....

    It should be none since I'm using Ironsource with unity ads and admob as networks for now. I even tried deleting the addon from Construct, but it made no change!

    Any idea on how to remove this?

  • You will have to cook up a system that checks for that. Something like: Go through all keys that should be there and if it isn't, add it.

    Sorry for the delay! Yes, I thought it was it, however I cannot make it work :( I canno t find the way to add a new key while keeping the existing ones.

    I've tried with new object, set path, set json...

    I was trying stuff like this but it doesn't work -.-

  • Hello!

    I have an android game and I use a JSON file to store the info.

    This is the system

    This is how it looks inside

    I'm working on an update and I need to expland the json with more items, imagine I want to add "Unlock5, 6, 7..." etc.

    But I'm not sure on how to do do it, since people who has already a saved state, has the old variable. How could I expand it for users who udpate the app?

    Thank you!


    The solution (games with admob for kids, inside google for families program).

    First, if you have to fill the data form, you can use this CVS using "import from this CVS" file.io/FdJtqFSiEJzZ

    Also in Policies and programs > App content > Actioned

    you need to set up the Advertising ID as NO.

    For the APK, as we already discussed, you know to remove the permission for the Advertising ID by adding this to the manifest <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/> Because I have the construct master collection, instead of adding this I added their plugin for google family programs (which does the manifest thingy).

  • > > > Yes. Removing ads is not an option, it is 100%. Look, I understand that it’s all because of the GDPR, which has become mandatory in admob. Because of this window, data is sort of collected, which leads to our problem, I think.

    > > >

    > > > I also found several actions, if we are talking about Construct, then in the advertising plugin you can select Tag Under Age of consent and Tag for child directed. Perhaps you can somehow configure these checkboxes, which will have a positive effect on the result? I don't fully understand what they do, but I'm looking into it, let me know if you have any ideas.

    > > >

    > > > And the question is about removing the children's audience. What do you think this might affect? I think this will be my last resort and most likely I will have to use it. Because I don’t understand the option of getting into the code and manifest.

    > > >

    > > > I also found a couple of links that can help us:

    > > >

    > > > support.google.com/admob/answer/6223431

    > > >

    > > > support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6048248

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > I think this's the right way, but can you explain me how to implement this code bro?

    > >

    > > RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration = MobileAds.getRequestConfiguration() > > .toBuilder() > > .setTagForChildDirectedTreatment( > > RequestConfiguration.TAG_FOR_CHILD_DIRECTED_TREATMENT_TRUE) > > .setMaxAdContentRating(RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_G) > > .build(); > > MobileAds.setRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration);

    > >

    > > What file is the code placed in?

    > >

    > > - thanks


    > You can just check them in Construct, with the mobile monetization plugin :/





    Should I do this when starting the game? And will this help solve the problem? How do you think?

    So far, I removed the children from the game and everything worked out, but ratings, downloads and earnings fell catastrophically. The game fell out of the top, I want it back.

    Yep, on loading layout. I could finally solve everything :) I will post the solution.

  • > Yes. Removing ads is not an option, it is 100%. Look, I understand that it’s all because of the GDPR, which has become mandatory in admob. Because of this window, data is sort of collected, which leads to our problem, I think.


    > I also found several actions, if we are talking about Construct, then in the advertising plugin you can select Tag Under Age of consent and Tag for child directed. Perhaps you can somehow configure these checkboxes, which will have a positive effect on the result? I don't fully understand what they do, but I'm looking into it, let me know if you have any ideas.


    > And the question is about removing the children's audience. What do you think this might affect? I think this will be my last resort and most likely I will have to use it. Because I don’t understand the option of getting into the code and manifest.


    > I also found a couple of links that can help us:


    > support.google.com/admob/answer/6223431


    > support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6048248

    I think this's the right way, but can you explain me how to implement this code bro?

    RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration = MobileAds.getRequestConfiguration() .toBuilder() .setTagForChildDirectedTreatment( RequestConfiguration.TAG_FOR_CHILD_DIRECTED_TREATMENT_TRUE) .setMaxAdContentRating(RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_G) .build(); MobileAds.setRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration);

    What file is the code placed in?

    - thanks

    You can just check them in Construct, with the mobile monetization plugin :/

  • If you are using IAP a Admob etc you are sharing a lot of data with the vendors, otherwise the services would obviously not work. You share localization data. Diagnostic data. Interactions etc. It is not collected to you. But it is shared with the vendors. The Family program does not mean you are not allowed to share any data, this is a misunderstanding from your side.

    tick this:

    Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? Yes

    Is all of the user data collected by your app encrypted in transit? Yes

    Do you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted? No

    Location > Approximate location

    App activity > App interactions

    App info and performance > Crash logs, Diagnostics

    Why is this user data shared? > Advertising or marketing

    You should remove the AD_ID permission, and declare that you do not use AD_ID.

    Then you should be fine

    Thank you very much! It was heaven sent!

    I have some questions, for each category (location, app interactions, performance, etc...)

    I have an extra like this:

    are those setting correct? collected, shared, not ephemarally, data collection is required and then Advertising or marketing.

    Should I have device and other IDs as well?

    Also for remove the AD_ID permission, If I remove it, should I be able to add in the manifest the <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>? :/

  • Maybe you have misunderstood the form. Collection of Device information is just a very small part of the form. Look into the link I posted above. Admob is collecting diagnostics, user interactions, localizations etc.

    I believe most likely I will get rejected because I will need to tick other stuff ^^U

    For me the issue and question is:

    1) ticking the correct boxes, since the guideline is not 1 to 1 with the form. Like "IP address Collects device's IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device." That means I'm collecting user's location I guess? Maybe? not 100% sure.

    2) How this interact with my "google for families" thingy. Since I'm not supposed to collect data. But still Admob is supposed to be safe. So, the same way I declared

    "<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>" should I add this for other permissions? :/

  • Now it states that you are using the AD_ID permission, but your declaration states that you don't. You must declare the permission if you use it, otherwise do not.

    Also you must declare which data you share. Just like I wrote.

    Hey Thank you for help!

    I could finally sent it for review by additionally tapping on: policy and programmes -> app content -> actioned and added Advertising ID.

    the app I'm submitting has the manifest with this :

    ​<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>

    I added this to the Data safety:

    ---Screen 1

    Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? Yes

    Encrypted? Yes

    Are u following the Google family policy? Yes

    ---Screen 2

    Device or other ID (ticked), others unchecked

    ---Screen 3 (Device or other IDS)

    Collected, Shared (ticked)

    Not processed ephemerally.

    Data collection is required

    (shared)Advertising or marketing (ticked)

    (collected)Advertising or marketing (ticked)

    Not sure If I will be rejected again. I'm confussed because the guy in the google forum told me:

    "If you are only targeting children then you should include that line you said in your manifest but then update the data safety section because now you are no longer sending the device ID at all."

    So I understood that I should state "no" to collect data in the form.

  • If you remove the AD_ID permission (which you must do to comply with the Family program), you must also change your declaration in the console that your app do no use the AD_ID.

    Now you have removed the permission, but still declared that you will use it, that's why you get the latest notification.

    Regarding the first notification you obviously seem to have filled in your Data Safety form that your app do not collect or share any data at all, this is of course not true (then no ads would even work). That's why you got that notification.

    Here you can see what ADMOB collect: developers.google.com/admob/android/privacy/play-data-disclosure

    Hello! Thank you for your response!

    So now I have a release candidate with the permission removed. I got the red warning because I stated that I was using AD_ID in my past declaration (the one that got reject because it was not compliant)so I changed back the data safety to "no".

    ---Screen 1

    Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? No

    Now I don't have the red warning but a yellow one:

    But I'm still unable to submit it because it says I need to fix errors -.-

  • > > Hello! How did you solve this problem?



    > Hey! I haven't solved this issue yet ^^U I tried by updating the data safety, but collecting any kind of data does not comply with "google for families", so it got REJECTED -.-. I don't want to be kicked of google for families because I have a kid's game, but also I cannot remove ads because it's my main monetization source.


    > I tried with solution 2, which was editing the manifesto in android, and making a new release. I'm not sure this will work, and also now I have a discrepancy


    > <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>




    > My due date is november 4th, so I'm a little bit stuck, and wondering if anybody has the same issue and could fix it.


    > Here's a link to my issue:

    > https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/thread/240600247?hl=en&sjid=9336640990544369031-EU

    I have practically the same problem. I have attached a link below to my post. My application is for all age groups, I do not have violence or other scenes, but it is not direct children's content, but just a business simulator. My game has a rating of 3+, and the settings indicate that the game is suitable for up to 5 years. I've already been rejected four times. And I'm afraid to do anything further.

    I have two options. The first is to make the game inaccessible until the age of 13, then the problem should be solved, but I don’t know how this will affect further promotion, and I’m also very confused by the inscription “GAME NOT FOR CHILDREN”.

    Or the option is to remove advertising, but this is also nonsense.

    Can you write your email? Maybe we can exchange screenshots in detail, etc.



    So, as far as I understand being rejected while trying to fix it's okay. You won't get suspended by that (at least that's what I read).

    So in your case... if you want to comply with "google for families" the only option, and let's be honest, removing ADS it's not a real option (at least for me). Is to add the permission thingy:

    <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>

    However this may impact on what type of ads are shown and revenue (I guess...).

    If your app is not actually for kids but for all ages you will need to weight if you:

    a) go with the manifest declaration

    b) make the app "not for kids"


  • Hello! How did you solve this problem?

    Hey! I haven't solved this issue yet ^^U I tried by updating the data safety, but collecting any kind of data does not comply with "google for families", so it got REJECTED -.-. I don't want to be kicked of google for families because I have a kid's game, but also I cannot remove ads because it's my main monetization source.

    I tried with solution 2, which was editing the manifesto in android, and making a new release. I'm not sure this will work, and also now I have a discrepancy

    <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>

    My due date is november 4th, so I'm a little bit stuck, and wondering if anybody has the same issue and could fix it.

    Here's a link to my issue:


  • Hello!

    I have a kids game, part of family program. This game has ads (admob) and in app purchases.

    I recently recieved this warning "Fix policy violations to prevent your Data safety section from being removed: Device Or Other IDs Data Type - Device Or Other IDs (some common examples may include Advertising ID, Android ID, IMEI, BSSID, MAC address)"

    As it seems I have the Data safety thingy set up incorrectly. I do not use any data collecting, I don't have accounts, analytics or anything like that. So I guess it's coming from admob sdk?

    The issue needs to be solved either by editing the data safety form (that I did and got rejected) presumably because I'm part of family's program and I'm not supposed to collect certain data.

    Or by editing the app, removing stuff from the manifest... however the ​<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID"" is nowhere to be found?

    Anyone went through a similar issue?

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    I solved this error by reinstalled my graphic card drivers. Was probably something on my computers side :)