otaconnor's Forum Posts

  • I used the 2 codes he gave me and they worked! As far as Modulo, I am honestly not sure what that is, but I would love to learn.

  • You guys are wonderful! Thank you so much. Working perfectly now.

  • you can just make a condition:

    on right pressed and animation frame is 8 set animation frame to 0

    on left pressed and animation frame is 0 set animation frame to 8

    I'm doing this now, although it skips frame 0 when going right, and right to 7. (Frames being 0-7)

    What would be the proper way to sequence this? Thank you for all your help so far, by the way.

  • Thank you! Works wonderfully. However, the cannon has 8 frames of rotation. Once it hits the last frame, it will not reset to frame 1. How do I do this so it can constantly cycle?

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  • I have a cannon that needs to rotate on a pivot. Each side is a different picture, so on pressing left or right, I need the animation to know to go forward or back one frame. Thanks!

  • I would like it so if say I rotate the phone screen to the right, the gravity changes and movable objects move towards that direction.

    The idea is to have ball move through a still maze by rotating the phone.

    Also, if testing on computer, how could I simulate phone rotation?

    Thanks so much!

  • Wow, you rock, thank you so much!

  • I will have the red and blue enemies moving across the screen, but they stop at the blue walls, which are intended to keep projectiles inside. How do I get the enemies to ignore the solid so I can have them wrap?

  • Awesome, you rock! I will give this a try shortly!

  • I apologize. The window with the dotted lines.

    I'm trying to have things load from the left of it, outside of it, but since they are not in the project, the white space, they will not load.

    Objects from the left would then move into the screen.

  • I want to move where my window is located, because I need objects to load from the left side. Thanks!

  • I tried this, but I don't want the object to be dropped, and this way also doesn't stop from letting the sprite go over the area.

    I appreciate it, but any other ideas?

  • I want to be able to drag and drop an object across a rail, but have it stop at the ends of the rail.

    Any tips would be appreciated on the most simple way to go about this.

  • I want certain solid objects to be able to bypass other ones, that also have physics.

  • My bullets are set to stick to an object to show it has been hit, but they slide off to different parts of the object after a second or two half the time.