Opender's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I think this is relevant.

    (If you are a Steam licence user you can only revert to 139 at the moment, the latest stable release. I can confirm it works for me.)

  • I think this thread can be closed?

    Here's a solution:

  • I too am wanting to be able to open my files in a previous version. As r144 crashes Win8 apps and I have saved my project in r144 since release, I basically can't do anything until either a new release comes out.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to layout P1L1

    2. Try to Scroll/try to manipulate objects on page/do anything

    3. Notice crash

    Observed result:

    Consistent crashes.

    Expected result:

    No crashing. I can't do anything at all on the layout...

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: -

    Firefox: -

    Internet Explorer: -

    (This is a bug with Construct 2 editor itself)

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 Pro (latest SP)

    Construct 2 version:

    Steam Personal Edition R143 (beta)

    I'm thinking this is a bug which has come through the official sprite font plugin. It happened to me in another project too.

  • I saw this somewhere a while ago and have been hunting for it for HOURS! You sir, are amazing. Thank you sooooo much.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • ArcadEd

    I came across question on implementing Adduplex here ( Looks like it should work though have not tried to implement myself yet. I assume you could use the same technique for pubCenter advertising too.


    I also noticed that the "ShowMessageBox" feature was hidden. Is there a particular reason for this? I've managed to add the necessary code to get it working in my app, but I'm wondering if there are issues on using it that I am unaware of?

    Thanks again!

  • Hey man amazing plugin. How close are you to adding WP8 advertising support? I read on another thread that you have/will be working on it. Cheers!

  • I'm managing to get this error quite consistently

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Is it common? I'm pretty confident the error arises with this plugin too. Cheers. :)

  • Thanks mate

  • Hey guys,

    Currently working on a random maze generation game and question about event sheets. Is it better to have fewer event sheets with more events or several event sheets included in the main one? Seems my game is laggy on tablets and even more on my phone.



  • 10 posts