oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • You should definitely make your own particle event, it is pretty easy and much more flexible than the built in plugin.

  • Try setting the "Bounce of solids" property in the bullet behavior to yes rather than setting bounce actions.

  • Invisible objects are not rendered, but transparent pixels are.

    Have you isolated this effect to be causing the slowdowns? Do you remember when you started experiencing the slowdown? Try remove one thing at a time to find out exactly what is causing it.

  • Option 1: Create an array populated with all possible positions. Randomly select a value from the array then delete it from the array so it can't be chosen anymore. Repeat.

    Option 2: Place objects randomly. If it overlaps an existing object, delete it and try again. Repeat.

    Option 3: Use a Blackhornet's smart random number generator plugin that can prevents duplicates.

    There are other ways but I think these are the more common solutions.

  • https://www.scirra.com/manual/174/multiplayer

    [quote:1w1fvyxp]Join room

    Join a specific room in the given game instance. The player must be connected and logged in to the signalling server. The first player to join a room becomes the host. Max peers can be used to limit the number of peers that join. Only the host's value is used. If the room is full, subsequently joining peers will receive a "room full" error. The peer count includes the host, so 2 is the minimum value, or it can be left as 0 to allow an unlimited number of peers to join. Upon successfully joining, On joined room triggers.

    Multiplayer games are not easy to make, you should try to recreate the tutorial projects at least, otherwise you are not going to get very far. Your question is covered in the Pong tutorial.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/906/mu ... -chat-room

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/979/mu ... ial-3-pong

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/915/mu ... -time-game

  • It has nothing to do with the signalling server if your host and peers were connected and communicating at any point in time. My understanding is that once a peer successfully joins a room, the signalling server should not have anything to do with the peer anymore (it wouldn't know the connection status of any peer either).

    Are all testing hosts/peers on a local network? Sounds like a NAT problem. WebRTC is generally pretty good about maneuvering through NATs, but things can go bonkers through double NATs or other more complicated scenarios.

    Another possibility is the host connection is just too unreliable to keep the connections alive - this has nothing to do with speed or bandwidth, but more to do with latency jitter and packet loss.

    Outside of that I would suspect an event sheet mistake.

  • Definitely cut out each province as an independent sprite.

    The Outline effect by R0j0 will be useful to get contiguous borders for like colors.

    Recommend giving each "color/player" its own layer so you can more easily work with blend modes and outlines.

    If set up well, you will only need to change the layer of a province sprite object to change ownership/color. All the visual effects will already be applied on the destination layer.

  • Here it is without plugins. That was kinda fun.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/zewud25d7gec4 ... e.c3p?dl=0

  • It looks like each object is positioned on a grid. It should be simple enough to draw a tilemap and send a sprite to each tile that is "occupied".

    As for the effect, there are two sprite sizes, and each sprite has two sine behaviors running to make it go in a circle.

  • That should work - use a boolean instance variable "Auto". If true, it will change layouts on collision or if false, add an event for a key press and overlap.

    Alternatively just use two different kinds of "Door" objects with their own rules.

  • I found an old example I made with something similar and updated it with the ideas I mentioned above.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek258mwmirfke ... .capx?dl=0

  • 1) The way it is set up in the template, everyone will attempt to connect to a single host, and the host will likely be so lagged due to bandwidth limitations the game will be unplayable.

    2) Yes. But that is why you should set up a unique game name/instance/room when connecting to the signalling server so this doesn't happen.

    3) Yes. That is what rooms are for.

    4) Yes. You probably do not want to do this. You can get it here. https://www.scirra.com/store/game-makin ... server-161

    5) No. Lag is always something that must be designed around for an online multiplayer game.

    Good luck...

  • Tilemap

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  • Regarding your OP -

    Global - The object does not get destroyed when changing layouts.

    Persist - The state of the object will be remembered for when you return to the layout.

    To keep track of entrance/exit positions without a mess of global variables, here is what I recommend:

    A single (can be invisible) entrance/exit object with an instance variable ID keeping track of pairs, and another instance variable with the target layout. Every pair of doors needs a unique ID linking them together.

    When your global character sprite comes into contact with a door, it saves the ID of the door to its own instance variable, then gets sent to the new layout. On start of layout, place the character on the door with the matching ID. This will work both ways, and with any number of doors, as long as each pair of doors is uniquely identified. No global variables needed!

  • +On start of layout

    +Object does not exist

    -> Create object

    Or, place the object(/instances) manually via the editor, so they do not have to be created dynamically by events.