oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Have you created a single shot?

    Do it again, and add or subtract from its angle of motion.

  • Chrome doesn't allow inactive tabs to run by design to preserve system resources I believe. The workaround was to play audio (even a silent looping bgm) to keep the tab from "sleeping". I don't know if this still works.

    Otherwise, export to nw.js for a desktop app.

    You won't be able to get the game to pop up on its own, but you can play a notification sound maybe.

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  • Use invisible helper sprites that are solid. When overlapping with boulder, destroy the solid.

  • The best you can probably do is use the system canvas snapshot action to get an image as a string.

    Nwjs to load from local folder, multiplayer to send string as message, and browser to invoke download

  • Rounding error?

    Maybe try setting the position with move at angle instead.

  • Check your imagepoint origins maybe? If you have variations on different animation frames the origin point may not be the same on each frame.

  • You can use a new layout for each level, or you can simply use a scroll to on an invisible camera sprite object to move it to a new position.

  • Use a separate layer with parallax 0.

    Or use the anchor behaviour.

  • Also remember to set a trigger for the top level repeat event! Otherwise it will run every tick and just keep putting values from the old array into the new array until there are none left. Also Array 2 should start out with width 0 height 2.

    Here is what it should look like:

    • Is there a condition missing before the second same-level part or are those other actions that are following on the other conditions?

    There is no condition for these actions, they just need to run after the Array for each xy loop finishes, but only should run once so it can't be a sub event of the for each XY event.

    • Why is it necessary to delete something from the first array?

    The for each xy event finds and records the highest value in the array. If you don't delete it, it will find the same value again in the next repeat of the event.

    • This one I don't understand: Set Array2 at Array2.width-1,1 to array.at(index,1)

    Because we're using push back, this sets the y=1 value at the back of the array.

    X=array.width-1 - this means the last value of the array on the x axis

    Y=1 - where you keep the value (Y=0 was the name)

  • All images on a given layout are loaded (uncompressed) into memory regardless of visibility.

    You're simply using more memory than the Xbox can handle. A PC often fudges graphical memory limitations by caching to hard drive (slow, but still works).

    You might try removing all the sprite objects/ customization options to see or confirm if it makes a difference.

  • Functions in construct are a little different than traditional functions... So parameters are mainly an organizational/visual way to pass information/variables to a function. They are basically the same as local variables unique to each call of the function.

    It doesn't really have anything to do with picking, but yes functions can access instance variables just fine so there isn't much difference there. For example, sometimes you want to use parameters to set the instance variable in the first place, if your function is creating an object.

    They basically allow your functions (a common set of actions used in multiple places in your project) to be more flexible in what they can do, so you don't have to keep remaking a similar set of actions that are just slightly different for many events.

    When your projects get larger, functions are an valuable organizational tool.

  • Repeat 3 times

    Sub events -

    Local variable "highestValue"

    Local variable "index"

    Array for each xy


    Array. Curvalue>highestValue

    -> Set index to array.Curx

    -> Set highestValue to array.Curvalue

    Next same-level event, not sub-

    ->Push back Array2 array.At(index,0)

    ->Set Array2 at Array2.width-1,1 to array.at(index,1)

    ->Delete array at index

    If you need to preserve the original array, you can save array.asjson to a variable beforehand and load it again after.

  • Does your event use the Ajax on completed condition before trying to get Ajax.lastdata?