oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • I don't recognize anything in particular from your screenshot that would cause problems.

    The request fullscreen might not work without user input.

    What exactly was the logged problem/error message?

    Have you tried starting from a fresh project using the C3 runtime then recreating your evevnts and see if you still have issues?

  • I believe multiple objects would be better. Rather than using dots, I would use either rectangles along the edge of your circular area or triangular sections to cover the entire circular area.

    Like so: mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.02/marilynn1.1.gif

    The more triangles you have, the better the resolution.

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  • Manually as in do whatever you can using align and distribute after choosing the size and number of dots you have, then repositioning to fit curves ect.

    Even the example you gave, it is immediately obvious they also did it by hand, considering where concessions had to be made such as lining up the curve in B, the different spacings for E and F, and the different dot sizes in the I.

    Sometimes there is no easy way out, and even in this case doing the dots for just 26 letters is not really much work.

    Your method of using a patterened line is fine, but you'll just have to handle the line junctions smartly yourself.

  • Place each dot manually for best results.

  • It looks like the Projectile object's origin point is not centered for some reason, so the visible projectile is offset.

    Edit: And if you want the destination to be the muzzle as well, you can change the tween target from Gun.X to Gun.ImagePointX("Muzzle") and the same for Y.

  • Rather than using an x and y offset, maybe you can try just saving the starting angle of your cursor from the origin/center of the circle, then using the anglediff expression to get the difference between the original angle and the current position and applying that to the position of your segments.

  • Depending on how your events are set up... first thing to check is make sure group one is disabled when you enable group two?

  • Here you go. Changed the approach slightly, since I realized if you use "On Created", the target hasn't been set yet. Instead, I used a sub event with the "Pick all" system condition to reset the picked instances, then narrowed it down again from there.

    Also you might notice I used a different condition than the System-Pick by Comparison. In the object you can also compare instance variable. I'm actually not sure what the differences between these two methods of picking are.

    The other thing I changed was using the Tween behavior instead of Bullet, since you have a clear start and end point, Tween is probably more suitable.

    Sorry if my answer earlier was confusing, I can make more sense with an example to work with ;)


  • Oh so if you don't see any of them...

    After you click the object in the project bar to select all instances, click the top bar area of the layout editor where the tabs are, but not on a tab. That will activate the layout editor window, but not deselct the instances. Then hit delete.

  • Pick by comparison

    Pick the individual instances of an object type that meet a comparison. For example, it is possible to pick all instances where Object.X * 2 is less than Object.Y + 100, which is not possible with either the Compare X or Compare Y conditions.

    So in your case it would be Pick "Server" object by comparison self.Name="Alice" -> Spawn Packet


    On Packet created

    Pick "Server" object by comparison self.Name="Bob" -> Set Packet Destination to Server.X, Server.Y

  • Parallax is tied to system scrolling, which is usually done with the Scroll To behavior. If your character has Scroll To on it, then when your characters moves, the parallaxed layers will also move.

  • Try thinking of some of the earliest arcade games or board games and try to recreate them. Like pong, breakout, pacman, worm, tic tac toe ect.

    My first project was a battleships type game.

  • If you left click on the object in the project panel, it will select all instances of the sprite in the layout editor. Click on any single one of the selected objects to refocus on the layout editor, then hit delete.

    Make sure to click back on a selected object, if you click outside of one they will all be deselected again.

  • I would have the source instance create a packet object (and possibly record the source in an instance variable in the packet object), then have a separate event on packet created pick the proper destination instance by comparing instance variables ("Name") and apply whatever movement you have implemented based on the picked instance's coordinates.