oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • You didn't specify if you were viewing from above (2d noise) or from the side (1d noise).

    For 1d noise, you can use the same formula/function, but use a constant y value. Any number will do.

    Plug in any X, and it will give you a value between -1 and 1, with smoothing applied relative to its neighbor. Divide X by a larger number to "zoom in", which will give you smoother terrain, or smaller number to "zoom out". You could use the returned value between -1 and 1 to determine the height of your ground at any given X location, for example.

    If this is hard to understand, I recommend searching and reading more articles about procedural generation online. Here's another one - redblobgames.com/maps/terrain-from-noise

    It also describes 2d generation, but most of it still applies. Like I mentioned above, rather than have a number generated for every x/y position, you would fix the y to a constant and just use x. This would effectively give you a "slice" of the noise map, or a side view basically.

  • brashmonkey.com

    The Spriter 2 video is a nice example of how mesh deformation is used in 2d graphics.

  • Construct 2 doesn't have Perlin noise built in, but it can be implemented with events. Could be quite difficult if you're not familiar with the concept of how it works and the math behind it, but if you are it is fairly straightforward. Here is a resource I like -


    Construct 3 has Perlin noise built in as part of the Advanced Random plugin. Quick tip - you can use the C3 demo to generate the noise as an array and export it. I'm pretty sure it would be compatible with Construct 2. But it would be fixed, and not randomly generated at runtime in your C2 program. You could export a bunch of different ones, include them as project files, and pick one at random in C2 though...

    Also you should try asking on the threads you mentioned to see if they can fix the link. A lot of people here (especially the ones that make examples) are really long time users and might still be lurking around. Dropbox had a change a few years ago that broke all public links from before then, but its pretty easy to fix and the file is most likely still there.

  • Sorry got busy over the weekend.


    See if this looks good to you, and let me know if you have any questions.

    Also the values I used in the example are in F because I am a filthy American, in case you were wondering why the numbers are so high lol ;p

  • What service/backend/website is hosting your leaderboard?

  • You probably want to use tween (or possibly pathfinding) rather than custom movement. You can have an event upon completing your tween to check conditions to decide on the following action.

  • I don't have any trouble using blend effects on mobile. It is possible the phone you are testing on has outdated graphics drivers.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Set text to - Var1 & "text string" & var2

  • I messed around with this some more, and I found the tween behavior actually has a color property you can use. So this can be done with just one event and no additional variables.

    + System: Every 2 seconds

    -> Sprite: Tween "" property Color to rgbEx(floor(random(101)),floor(random(101)),floor(random(101))) in 2 seconds (Default, destroy: No, loop: No, ping pong: No)

    I also updated the example file with it in the Layout 3.

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • That's unfortunately clunky. Guess manually setting three variables when using colorvalue to set color is the cleanest way for now.

  • For a given angle θ and a circle of radius r and center (h,k), recall that we can determine the Cartesian coordinates (x,y) of the point on the circle determined by θ and r, where

    x=h+rcosθ , y=k+rsinθ

    Since you don't care about radius in this particular application, it would be



  • It is likely blocked. After all your game might not be the only thing open in a user's browser.

    Why do you need a quit button? A user can leave the website by closing a tab or browser on their own. If you insist, maybe a button to return to the title screen would be appropriate.

  • Is there a reverse function for the following expressions?

    rgbEx(r, g, b)

    rgbEx255(r, g, b)

    rgba(r, g, b, a)

    rgba255(r, g, b, a)