OddConfection's Forum Posts

  • Other than duplicating layouts and editing, as far as I know you'd need to add layers to each layout manually. Although if there is another method I'd be interested to hear it.

    You can copy multiple objects at a time from one layout to another, and they'll keep their position relative to each other, which should save a some time.

    In the layout without a HUD create a new HUD layer then go to the layout with the HUD already created, deselect everything but the HUD layer, select all objects, copy, go back to first layout and paste objects into the empty HUD layer.

    You might have to move the objects into the correct position but you can move them all at once and it's easier if you have snap to grid on.

  • The OR block seems fine to me.

    Instead of Every X Seconds try giving the Player a new variable (Player.CanFire boolean start true) and check/set that when they fire.

    for each Player

    check gamepad OR block

          if Player.CanFire == true then

            Set Player.CanFire = false -- so they can't fire again yet

            Do your normal firing stuff

            Wait Player.projectileFireRate seconds -- adds delay between firing

            Set Player.CanFire = true -- lets player fire again

  • Gameplay trumps all in my opinion.

    Having said that, original gameplay mechanics are only worthwhile if they are intuitive and well implemented. I'd rather have a well done commonly used gameplay mechanic than something original that is poorly done.

    Good graphics are important too, but only in so much as bad graphics can put people off even the best game. Amazing graphics are nice to have (if you've got a dedicated artist or big budget) but not at the cost of gameplay. Sometimes simpler graphics work better than something more complicated - it all depends on the style/game/genre though and must fit with the gameplay.

    A well told story can make the game more interesting - but I don't need to be hit over the head with it and too many unskippable cut scenes are annoying. Sometimes it's better to just give the basic premise and let players fill in the rest through gameplay or imagination.

  • I just checked and I get the same as you

    If I open an old (pre-r152) project with the latest stable release (r152) it still shows approx download size, memory, etc., but any new projects created with r152 only show the number of events.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Try naming your loopindex:


    For "Step" 1 to 10


    Wait loopindex("Step")*0.1 seconds

    Sprite Set X to Sprite.X + loopindex("Step")/100

    Alternatively, you could just do something like:


    Every 0.1 Seconds


    Sprite Set X to Sprite.X + 1

    You might be able to get smoother movement using lerp though:


    Every Tick


    Sprite Set X to lerp(Sprite.X,Sprite.X + 1,dt*60)

    I've not upgraded to r155 so can't open your example, I made this instead with the 3 methods above (two disabled):

    Example r152

  • russpuppy - I'm sure I read somewhere Our Darker Purpose was made using Construct 2 but I could be mistaken.

    Edit: Yep, they used Construct 2

    Just found another Construct 2 game on Steam Greenlight - Angvik

    If anyone knows of any other Construct 2 games on Steam, let me know so I can add it to the collection.

  • Several Construct 2 games have been listed on Steam Greenlight - I made a collection for them

    As long as a game can run from an .exe file then it can go on Steam (once approved). Construct 2 games can be made to run from an .exe file using the Node-Webkit export option.

  • Congratulations on being greenlit. A game I worked on was greenlit in the latest batch too.

    I look forward to seeing how well this goes on Steam.

  • Unfortunately, as I come from a country already in crisis in the third world .. (Italy)

    What? How is Italy in any way third world?

    I wanted to know if there is a time of year when you could buy a license to construct two personal edition at a lower price .... eg Christmas, ecc ..

    The price of a license was only recently raised, so I don't know if there will be discounts any time soon.

    Maybe when Construct 2 is released on Steam it will go in some of the Steam sales.

  • Here is an example for you - TimerExample.capx

  • Your alternating layers idea could work, you'd just need a Global Variable to keep track of the layer the trail sprites are spawned on and then you could have an event like this to clear them:


    System->For Each Trail_Sprite

    Trail_Sprite->Is on layer LAYER_VARIABLE





    System->Compare Variable->LAYER_VARIABLE = 1


    System->Set Value->LAYER_VARIABLE = 2



    System->Set Value->LAYER_VARIABLE = 1

    An alternative to using different layers would be to give your trail sprites an alternating instance variable, the event to clear them would be pretty much the same but instead of checking what layer the sprites are on, you'd just check their instance variable

  • You're welcome.

    Don't forget to share your game when it's done. I'd to see what it is you are creating.

  • I posted this Example capx recently for a double tap jump.

    It's similar to what sqiddster said, but it counted the number of taps in a time period rather than comparing time and had the unit jump instead of run.

  • Some news that slipped by the other day. Valve are going to greenlight at least another 10 games on November 30th and have said that they hope to greenlight at least 5 software titles as well.

    As I can only see 6 software titles and Construct 2 is in the top spot, we should definitely be seeing Construct 2 on Steam soon.

    You can read Valve's announcement here

  • Thibaut - use the LastX and LastY instance variables as Duckocide said, but before you check them for all instances of the objects, set a global variable to 0, then when you check them, if they are different set the global variable to 1. Then all you have to do is have an event after this that checks the global variable, if it's still 0, then nothing is moving.

    I've made an example capx for you to look at. You can drag the balls around to get them moving.

    Check Moving Example CAPX(r108.2)