OddConfection's Forum Posts

  • Diginampl

    Make sure the event that moves the hat to the character is placed after all the events that move the character, otherwise you could be moving the character away from the hat after it's already moved and it won't move to the new position until the next tick.

    Alternatively, you could add the Pin behaviour to the hat - then you just have to move the hat once (on creation) and pin it, then it will move with the character automatically.

  • juanfrancoc

    There's a few different ways to do it, depending on how you have your ground set up.

    Assuming you have different sprites for each ground type, one way would be to add Player is overlapping GroundSprite at offset (0,16) as a sub-event to the "Platform is on floor" event for each ground type and set speed/acceleration accordingly.

  • Immodium

    Try adding the System: Wait 1 seconds action to Event 20, that should delay the sub-events 21 and 22 from firing and doing the reload.

  • If the get returns nothing will it just put zero in the high score or do you need to check first if "highscore" has a value in it?

    I believe it will return 0 if there is nothing there, same as if you use the ItemValue outside of the On Get event.

    At least, that's how it seems to work in my game.

  • I have been working with the "Template-AutoRunner", that comes with c2. I want to store the score locally to the device. I saw many tutorials about using the local storage , but non-of these worked with auto runner

    I'm working on an auto-runner and save the High Score locally using local storage.

    Add the LocalStorage object

    Add global variables Score=0 and HighScore=0

    Initialise your high score:

    System: On start of layout

    -> LocalStorage: Get item "HighScore"

    LocalStorage: On item "HighScore" get

    -> System: Set HighScore to int(LocalStorage.ItemValue)

    In your level end event (where you'd show the high score and have a restart button), add a sub-event:

    System: Compare Score > HighScore

    -> System: Set HighScore = Score

    -> LocalStorage: Set item "HighScore" to HighScore

  • Soulmachine

    I'm not sure why you're getting different times on different devices, it could just be the responsiveness of their screens.

    Anyway, here is my attempt at recording time between taps: capx (r233)

    I use Touch: On Tap and add dt to a variable for time between taps

  • That capx is a bit different to the code you posted, being physics based and seems to work fine.

    Anyway, this change using is overlapping at offset should allow the other boxes to move once the one to the right of them has moved away a small distance:

    item is over lapping belt right
    item is overlapping item at offset (2,0) [Inverted]
    set x to self.x+1[/code:39ndv7uq]
  • lamar

    Played it for a few minutes and these were the things that came to mind:

    1. Game could be a little faster. Maybe have difficulty levels that affect speed.

    2. The clock looks weird when seconds are less than 10, not sure how you're handling it bt maybe something like this:

    [event] Every 1 second
    -> Add 1 to seconds
    [sub-event]seconds >= 60
    -> Add 1 to minutes
    -> Subtract 60 from seconds
    [blank sub-event]
    ->Set text to minutes & ":" & (seconds < 10 ? "0" & seconds : seconds)[/code:szdjzi6w]
    3. The conversion after touch down might be more interesting if you do it by double-clicking instead of running at the ball with arrow keys
    4. The opponents looked a little weird to me when the sprites were angled, maybe keep them vertical even when moving at an angle.
    Just out of curiosity, is there any licensing issue with using the team logos? Or does it come under some sort of fair use policy?
  • any offer on an efficient way to do this, i have browsed the forums and tried other ways such as line of sight but still no luck

    There is a Pick nearest/furthest condition you could use to select the item closest to the end of the conveyor belt.

    So, assuming the belt object has origin in the middle, you could do something like this:

    [event]item is over lapping belt_right
    [sub-event]item is overlapping item(Inverted)
    pick nearest item to (belt_right.X + (belt_right.Width/2), belt_right.Y)
    [action]set x to self.x+1[/code:1chj1ybf]
  • Try Construct 3

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  • More Export/Import support (this would be nice for phone games)

    How about exporting direct to .apk (Android) and .ipa (iOS) by Building mobile apps in Construct 3?

    Construct 3 for Android or other phones (for work while away from the computer)

    You mean like Construct 3 on mobile?

    I agree with not liking their subscription/rental model, and the only thing I've seen so far that makes it worth it is the new export option for building mobile apps.

    Still, I'd like to see it changed so that you don't lose access to Editor features when your subscription lapses, you just lose export options.

    This would make the subscription a one time fee for access to the Editor and an Annual Export License (first year included in the Editor access fee), which is more palatable than renting software.

  • when i use SET angle(self.X, self.Y, hole.X, hole.Y)

    arrow go always to nearest hole and that is wrong

    Pick a random hole!

    [event] Blue Arrow: On Created

    [sub-event] System: Pick random instance (hole) -> Blue Arrow: Set angle to angle(self.X, self.Y, hole.X, hole.Y)

  • IGDev

    Assuming you've already given the Blue Arrow the Bullet behaviour, add these two events:

    System: Every 1 second -> Black Dot: Spawn another object - Blue Arrow

    Blue Arrow: On created -> Set angle to random(360)

  • helena

    In the streamlined version you are loading "Level1.json" but in the manual version you are loading "Level1A.json"

    Do both files exist?

    Or do you need to change your streamlined version to request:

    "Level" & FileNumber & "A.json"

    instead of:

    "Level" & FileNumber & ".json"

  • the game has slow down after some time.

    I'm guessing you've got too many objects, either from creating too many or more likely not destroying them once they've gone past the player.

    Check the object count in debug mode.

  • pikazho

    On tablet so can't check capx, but guessing you're using bullet for background, try using lerp

    Also, I wouldn't call that a platform game, more like an endless flyer.