NugMan's Forum Posts

  • Good to hear. I'll brand my game for Chrome, but with ability to play in Firefox too. But Chrome will use custom cursor (i hope you will give us such opportunity sometime), and Firefox just standart "Crosshair".

  • File input is what i had have missing (if i can say so in english)

  • Fresh exported project

    Version 2.6

    Dated 15 June 2012

  • kittiewan no, I meant that if shells, provided with platform behavior, instead of physics, wont create hill of used shells. Instead, they will all be on the floor, so no one hell of a big piramid of shells under your good ol' army boots :)

    zsangerous you mean the "P" box in capx? That is "real" player, his movements (via platform behavior) lies under all character animation. The character sprites are just using "set position to player".


    , oh, you mean the "E" box. I just not disabled the default buttons for Enemy Box :)

    I'm coding character control on both WASD and Arrows, though I totally hate Arrows, some people prefer them. That's why I didn't noticed that movement before - I just don't use them at all <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Oh, and by the way, enemies are on top of the "what to do next" list

  • Progress screenshot

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Now shooting features decals and bullet trace

  • Da. Odnako community raznoyazychnoe, tak cho boltovnya na svoih yazykah ne privetstvuetsya.

  • Hey, Scirra, how about implementing custom mouse pointers via standard web technologies (EXAMPLE)? You may say that we already have it ("set cursor to" from Mouse Object). But there's no posibility to point Construct 2 to URL, where custom cursor is located.

    So if we can style="cursor: crosshair", why can't we implement style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur')"?

    Pros and Cons:

    + No mouse lag at all (!!!);

    + Works only inside Construct 2 window (wont break cursor style on another opened pages);

    + Can be controlled as easy as controlling sprites (ie. changing cursor on the fly etc.);

    • cursor should be stored as .cur or .png (not sure about png, but it just works);
    • may be used only with html (but who cares?);

    Please post your opinion. I think this is a high priority for any game, using custom cursors.


    This could be done as one-framed (or even multi) animations, where name of animation is name of cursor. And Construct 2 could save them by itself, you just point him a sprite, and, when you exporting project it lies there, in mouse animations! Ta-Da! Damn, I'm so cool <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Igra sdelana na Construct Classic verno? A eta vetka foruma pro Construct 2.

    Topic should be moved to Construct Classic's

  • Maybe its not important, but when I set platform maximum speed to -100, my sprite constantly moves to the left. If I press right, nothing happens, if I press left - sprite tries to stop itself.

    Also if gravity is set to negative value (when I falling in the sky), and there's angled ceiling, the bug does the same thing - I gain more speed, while moving from right to left (as when gravity value is positive)


    By the moment I can say that the more angle on the right platform, the more speed I can get. When I moving (climbing or going down doesnt matter) from left to right my speed is calculates considering my angle of motion. When I move from right to left my speed calculates without angle of motion - it just speed of Vector.X (I can only guess - im not a programmer).

    One more interesting thing - while going from left to right with timescale<1 I can move only pixel or two, then I stuck, like it's too high for me. But I can move down - the effect is the same - I just stuck, though there's no sense to do that.

    So the bug is timescale-dependant.

    Try this:


    Exported Project

  • I think Construct 2 is ready. Here's my upcoming game (ta-da!)

  • I like the mechanics. Keep up going!

  • I can write Photoshop tutorial: how you can use smart object for composite character sprite and simplifying animation process. Use of slices, etc.

  • Whoa man! You rule!

  • Well, not exactly (poor me)

    I've used

    Bullet [Is Not Overlapping Solids] Move 1 px forward

    Bullet [Is Overlapping Solids] Bullet Spawn - hole, Bullet - Destroy

    Will try while loop. I just not familiar with it, sorry for not trusting, will go dig manual.