Pode — and all others guys,
I am using this plugin to build "talking baloons".
I mount the string, like you can see above:
"<path d=""m 50,5 c -24,0 -44,19 -44,44 l 0,11 c 0,24 19,44 44,44 l 23,0 -2,39 29,-39 330,0 c 24,0 44,-19 44,-44 l 0,-11 c 0,-24 -19,-44 -44,-44 z"" stroke=""black"" stroke-width=""5"" fill=""white"" transform=""scale(1,1)""/><text id=""TextElement"" x=""60"" y="47" style=""font-family:Verdana;font-size:24"">""Ol� motorista, seja BEM-VINDO � Empresa de Cimentos Liz.""</text>"
And it is working fine, BUT when I wanna change the text and resize the SVG, by inserting another string I do not has sucess.
I tryed to destroy the SVG canvas and create a new one, it works but the old one keep showing, and if the new one is smaller there are a trouble.
Anybody can help?