NRABrazil's Forum Posts

  • Joannesalfa

    Yes the XDK is working here too, but when I export the .capx and open it, in XDK, it does not work.

  • Joannesalfa and tap

    Well, I thought it was working, but is not.

    I opened the .capx but when I export and open in XDK it does not work like the directory 3.4.0 tap sent. I saw there are a string variable named "pictureUrl" in .capx that are not been used. Maybe tap has changed something and forgot to include.


  • Hey Joannesalfa

    Thanks man!

    I do the update but I think I get a wrong zip file in github, the last one i pick from downloads works.

  • tap

    I can not open the CameraDemo.capx the message below is showing.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Great tap!

    Thank you so much, for your interest your prompt attention is always helpful.

    I will test it right now!

  • I think if I need to start the "take picture" in a new window, like you said in a reply above.

  • tap

    Excuse me if I confuse you! When I said than C2 already have an action to "Load image from URL", what I am trying to say is than I know how to put the image in a sprite, but I need the URI, furnished by your "Take Picture" action to do that.

  • Hi tap

    Yes, this is what I am trying to do! The sprite plugin in C2 already have an action called "Load image from URL", and I set a button to start the "Take Picture" action of your AppmobiDev Plugin. But when I click the button it goes to camera and I cannot came back to app with the taken picture.

    Thanks the attention.

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  • Hi tap,

    Excuse the long time since the last contact, but I was busy with another project, and just now I can return to my project with appmobi plugin. And I have a doubt for wich I want to ask for your help.

    I am trying to change a sprite texture with an new image that I directly capture with the mobile camera or with some image from the mobile gallery. Do you has a demo of how to do this? Because when i try, I take the picture but the app is closed and I cannot insert it in there, the same happens when I open the mobile image gallery.


  • Hey Pode !

    Thanks man <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Will help a lot!!

  • Great Pode!!!

    Keeping the good work.

  • Hi Pode and all others guys,

    I am using this plugin to build "talking baloons".

    I mount the string, like you can see above:

    "<path d=""m 50,5 c -24,0 -44,19 -44,44 l 0,11 c 0,24 19,44 44,44 l 23,0 -2,39 29,-39 330,0 c 24,0 44,-19 44,-44 l 0,-11 c 0,-24 -19,-44 -44,-44 z"" stroke=""black"" stroke-width=""5"" fill=""white"" transform=""scale(1,1)""/><text id=""TextElement"" x=""60"" y="47" style=""font-family:Verdana;font-size:24"">""Ol� motorista, seja BEM-VINDO � Empresa de Cimentos Liz.""</text>"

    And it is working fine, BUT when I wanna change the text and resize the SVG, by inserting another string I do not has sucess.

    I tryed to destroy the SVG canvas and create a new one, it works but the old one keep showing, and if the new one is smaller there are a trouble.

    Anybody can help?

  • Hi tap,

    Thanks man! I am inserting your new plugin in my app! And yesterday I had an invite from a old client to stablish a business partnership in my app, in what the new resources are crucial. I will need to intense use the push message system too.

    Thanks again.

  • Great tap !

    I will be waiting!


  • Hey tap, I saw in appmobi Javascript API documentation, than "CAMERA" controls can use the devices cameras to take pictures too. It is so difficult to implement it too in the plugin? C2 already has a object named "UserMedia" for image capture by webcam, but until now it only works in Chrome on desktops.