NotionGames's Forum Posts

  • Speaking of a showcase, it would be cool if someone made a showcase video with 10 or so games to use on the main Scirra Youtube so people can see what they can make with the engine. Maybe even have it on the main page of the website. That could get people even more interested in the software and also answer questions that they may have in terms of 'what can this thing really do?'

  • Super Ubi Land Shop Theme:

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  • This happens to me too whenever the character is falling. I will make a video to post here later tonight. *But just letting you know it's happening to me as well.

  • I know this is for 103 (I haven't tested for 104) however, this happened to me quite a few times. I didn't even do any programming in 103 when it happened. My enemy sprites wouldn't spawn at certain times. My environmental assets loaded fine everytime but my enemies would always dissapear.

    I would maybe wonder if it had something to do with code that moves the sprites themselves (Platform behavior and bullet behavior for my enemies so far)

    Sorry if this information isn't enough but it's all I've got :/

  • I've been invited to SXSW and The Austin Chronicle's "Game on Austin" event. I'll be showing Super Ubi Land and will be working every night til the show to get a really fun build together.

    The event is Oct 25th, so that leaves me just over a month to get as much as i can done.

    I just finished my promo material for the show so that I can concentrate on the game again.

    *Front and back of the flyer (incomplete)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • These are good answers. Thanks. Really was just wondering what was the reasoning behind it. I like it! I wouldn't mind seeing more variety in art styles tho, I cannot lie about that

  • Here is an update based on the suggestions you guys were so kind enough to share with me.

    I touched up on the shadows a bit for the cacti, it's still not perfect but I'm moving on from those haha.

    Touched up around the logo

    and moved around the pink Slimes more towards the shrubs

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks for pointing that out too. I feel like im moving 1000 miles an hour jumping from art to the game itself to fixing bugs in the builds.

    Fixing that as well! If anyone sees anything else odd please let me know so I can get the cover looking right!

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  • omg you are right! I did the shadows before i did the light -___-' thanks for pointing that out. Changing that now!

    and thanks for the kind words guys!

  • Thank you!

    I have a Wacom Cintiq but for some odd reason I just cannot get used to drawing on it. I will never understand why... I tried. I just really enjoy the feel of .5mm mechanical pencil on computer paper haha.

    How are you liking that tablet by the way? I would probably get one just so when I'm out I could possibly sketch up some new ideas and play around with concepts.

  • I'm going to be at the SXSW and Austin Chronicle event called 'Game on Austin' and I realized that I didn't have a cover for Super Ubi Land (doh!)... so I drew one up last night... Going for that classic Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country feel and want the kiddos to really want to play the game.

    Anyways, enough yapping. Here is the cover I drew up. I'm most likely going to make another one as development continues but just need this for now.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Here's the process for those who care about that sort of thing:

    <img src="" border="0" />


    Changes made from your suggestions :D

    Thanks guys!

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Blight DOES look good. I was checking this out on Desura. Going to support your alpha funding real soon!

  • Looking around in the indie game community I've noticed a ton of games utilizing pixel art. Not that it's bad or anything but I'm just wondering why SO many people use it? There are a ton of mediums and styles out there for people to use but so many rely on pixel art or even bad graphics and slap a tag on their game stating that it's "old school graphics!"

    I'm not mad about it or anything, I'm just wondering overall why other mediums seem to be so neglected in indie video games (especially since we have the technology now days to go way beyond pixel).

  • I finally sat down to start drawing up an official cover for super ubi land.

    I only did the rough pencils tonight, I'll begin inking and coloring tomorrow.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks a ton for the tests!

    So It should be good enough for me to publish my Desura page!

    I'll just leave instructions and things