Noga's Forum Posts

  • to tulamide>what's up with your avatar? I kinda miss that little bastnerd

  • I don't think I could use this in a game. If a player wanted to use the fireball, they'd have to waste 2 bombs before. You gave me an idea where it could be used - cards game.

  • Thanks newt, it's emberassing, but I still don't know how to use in in a game. I understand the concept, but don't know where it'd be helpful. For what should I use it - score table? For what it'd be ideal? Usually, my head is full of ideas, but I can't think of one for this plug. Could someone give me a few?

  • > The condition returns that song is seekable, but setting position still doesn't work. Is this the limitation you're talking about or if it's seekable it should work.


    What is the file format you're using? I've only tested setting position with wav files. As I recall if the music has stopped playing and you use set position you need to play it again to get it going.

    My bad, I was using too small numbers for setting position. I works flawlessly, perfect!

  • While working on my game, I've found a bug. I had wip folder with the game's cap and plugin saved screenshots into the cap's folder, but when I exported the game into different folder and run the exe, it saved the screen into the cap's folder. I had to export the exe into the same folder as cap file, than it works.

    And there is a suggestion for a new feature. I've wanted a player to post their score on the forum, but playing screen is bigger than forums width and they'd have to resize before posting. I think set width and height actions would be good.

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  • Thank you for fixing bugs.

    You can use the "is seekable" condition to check. Unfortunately the Audiere library doesn't seem to support seeking for most of the file formats it supports. In other words it's a limitation of the Audiere library that I can't work around.

    The condition returns that song is seekable, but setting position still doesn't work. Is this the limitation you're talking about or if it's seekable it should work.

  • I'll try new version later. Good you didn't give up and still working on it.

  • I didn't do as well as you, but liked the gameplay.

    Thanks, I think, for my final screen I might've used a save from an old build, before I changed clock counter to make it harder, so that score could be impossible to break, oops.

    Anyway, I've found a bug and a feature you could include into your plugin. I'll post it in the plugin's topic.

  • Where can one find these games?

    Very easy, search the forum

  • I've never used plasma, but you could try this:

    Insert New Event - System - Always

    for that event click + new action

    pick your plasma object and find Set position to another object

    choose your sprite.

    This should set position always (every tick) to your sprite

  • So... is there anything I can do then? Couldn't find any answers in that thread other then it was a bug :/ Any possible way to fix it?

    Upload the .cap.

    also, for future reference, how might I export it into the correct file format? XD

    Don't export it. In Construct click File - Save as.

  • I'll wait how R0J0's Audiere plugin will turn out. For now it's bit better than XAudio2, still I miss some features.

  • doesn't work for me . I tried to play about 10 mp3 and ogg files. Playback is good, but can't set starting position for any file. What's the format for it. I only tried whole numbers, supposed 3000 could be someting like 3sec. When I enter any number it starts playback again. Stop music doesn't work - it stops the music and starts again. If I load music file as sound, there is pause, probably as it's caching the file, then stop function work, but there is no action to set sound position. Do you think, all these could be fixed? In documentation for the plugin, there is midi support - I believe it's just not activated, would it be worth it to include it?

    Hope you can fix it, that'd be awesome.

  • Thanks for the plugin, but I don know how could I use it, I don't understand it . Could someone give me an example? Like when I really should use this in a game, because if I did the same thing without the plugin, it would be too tedious, hard to make.

  • Agree with Attan, it's hard to see what's going on. Player's bullets and enemie's bullets are same, when I shoot in the same direction as they shoot at me, I can't see anything. I flew through a level without shooting, collision with enemies could inflict more damage to disable this shortcut. Those big ships could be destroyable, or their cannons.