Noga's Forum Posts

  • Click on his sign and read - Posting tips

  • When starting the C2, on the welcome window click "Browse all examples" and open "Platform 7 (parallax).capx".

    The player has "ScrollTo" behavior and in Layout Properties - Unbounded scrolling is set to yes. Plus this example shows how to make parallax. I'd also recommend you to go through all the examples, they'll teach you the basics.

  • Ok, now it's back to normal. Just to test it, today, when I turn gpu acceleration off in the flags, the preview is choppy, it's behaving like yesterday, after turning it on it's good. What I don't understand is, how it went off, without me touching it?

    If anyone else had this problem - input chrome://flags/ into the address bar, turn GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D on and restart the browser.


    I guess it's solved, kind of. Before moving it the closed bugs, could you leave it here for one more day, I'd like to see if anyone else came across the same problem.

  • It isn't probably C2 problem, but when previewing a project on Chrome, everything what's moving stutters. All projects, not only mine.

    I'm using r67, Chrome 15.0.874.120 m, Win7 64bit, fps is steady 60-61

    on IE9 it looks normal (there is only problem that the screen looks like in this post, I have to hit F12 to bring up the console and than refresh)

    Strange is, yesterday everything worked ok. I've encountered same problem some time ago when using Chrome 12 or something, before canvas hardware acceleration, so I looked into the flags and GPU acceleration was off. I didn't change anything, and I thought that for Chrome 15+ GPU acc is implicitly on. After turning it on nothing changed.<img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I haven't seen the problem, but I tried this. Check it out if it's ok, should be always rotating correctly.

    edit> I just changed it a bit. Now you can't change the direction of rotation until the sprite made one full rotation.


  • Can you upload the .capx or reproduce that part in a new one?

  • World Of Wowcraft! Big list of effects, I like there is a short description for each effect. Thank you.

  • If you input possitive value, it will rotate clockwise

    • Sprite rotate 2 degrees toward 60 (will rotate the sprite clockwise by 2 degrees toward angle 60?)

    Negative, counter-clockwise

    • Sprite rotate -2 degrees toward 60 (will rotate the sprite counter-clockwise by 2 degrees toward angle 60?)
  • Here's the plugin. It's for C2, but it's well commented so it shouldn't be that hard to convert it to CC.

  • I've tried this

    If it's not good enough, as EmperorIng360 says, try Kyatric's pathfinder plugin.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • We could choose not to buy their products, but that's almost impossible. Those companies are always looking where to lower their costs for maintain competitive and we force them to do that by buying cheaper products and not asking where it comes from.

    I look at the country of origin when buying food, but not when it comes to electronics, clothes etc. To be honest, I wouldn't buy 50% more expensive computer just because it was made by 8 hours shifts/day workers. In fact, I'm not sure there are any companies not using(abusing) workers from developing countries.

  • Tested on 2 computers

    • XP 32bit, AMD Turion X2 mobile, nVidia 9100M G
    • Win7 64bit, Intel Q6600, nVidia 8800GT

    on both, it was crashing before, now it's working, no problem. Thank you, can go to bed now. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • No way, it works, no crash so far, still testing...

  • Same, no waffles.

  • I thought the error aplied only to global variables. I followed your steps and it crashed, without any message. Does it give you anything?