Noga's Forum Posts

  • Ok, in the second example shadows blend nicely with the background, but than I don't how to hide platforms when they are not in the light circle.

  • Yann

    Nice example, I like it.

  • I don't have the example, but here is something similar

  • Hello everyone, I'd need help with this.

    • The player should carry a light, which would light up surroundings
    • All objects near the light should cast shadows
    • Everything out of the reach of the light should stay black

    This is what I got so far. It'd be good if shadows weren't still visible in the dark.

  • One way is to use Physics, press left mouse to stay in the air.


  • Two 32x32 objects 32 pixels apart count as overlapping in C2.

    That's interesting, good to know. I'd like to hear from Ashley about this, does it have to be this way? I like it more in the CC where two objects in the same situation don't count as overlaped.

  • I've made this example. While in the air press up/down arrows to change the gravity. It should be also easy to add left/right gravity.

  • Congrats on the release. Good there's one more full sized completed CC game.

  • Great, manual is online, that means translating could start, but I'll wait for the offline version, and I'll have some questions, so that can wait. And than there is the "Press Kit" tab, suprise, not a word about it, what else you're hiding <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Sorry to bump an old thread, but better than to start a new one. how do you get an Arcade card to show? I copy and pasted into my sig but it just shows as html code.

    Read Tom's reply in this post

  • I think it's abbreviation of Ashley's statement:

    Software Construct Is Real Revolution - Ashley

    found 1+1 topics

  • The player is jumping from one point to another on the rope rather then climbing, I've made it this way, because it was easiest way to do it. Don't just copy&paste it, take my example as a reference, look how it works and rework it to your needs.

  • I can't pick up 2 strawberries, at the end, where are last two platforms. For me, falling through happens only at one platform, after the water, the biggest platform. Fade in/out is smooth. There is a little stuttering when near fall through platforms, probably caused by switching solids on/off. It plays good, nice game.

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  • example

  • It's basic, you'll have to polish it (add maybe physics to the player, and make climbing smoother), but it works.


    ps. we really need families