Noga's Forum Posts

  • I don't know how you guys can create something like that just in 20hrs, amazing. There are some bugs etc., but considering the amount of hours spent on it, it's great. I don't know if you've designed the level this way, but I picked up the oxygen balls in order, from easier to harder to get, or at least I felt it that way. Ye, I've had fun, nice game.

  • I've made you an example.

  • Use System expression random(a, b) for the object's axis.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks, but I hope you're aware translation is an unfinished feature!

    I've wanted to ask about translations, hope DronTr you don't mind I'm doing it here. How could it be done in the future, if I translate e.g. the latest release r87, when r88 comes out, so I'd need to translate only parts which would've been added in the r88? I don't know exactly how it works, but could you set up something like mygengo. When I have some time I'm helping with Concrete5 translation. I haven't tried any other services, maybe you know something better.

  • Interesting read. Hope you won't have these problems.

  • I finally finished my degree project on linguistics so I have time for translating to spanish tutorials, is there any spanish comunity?

    Check out the first post from Ashley, link in the bottom will lead you to the communities page where you'll find it.

  • download

    There's a problem, I don't know how to get rid of bouncing of the player sprite. Maybe someone else could help with that.

    I think they'd need to know how do you want the sprite behave when it's on the platform? Do you want it to keep it's angle (as it's now in the example) or rotate with the platform? I've tried to rotate it, it's bounced bit less, but still it wasn't good enough.

  • For example:

    If right arrow is down


    If D is down

    - set sprite x to sprite.x+1

    I've tried that in Construct Classic and it works as it should. The sprite is moved 1px forward no matter if I press one or both keys at once. And in C2, as you said, it moves double speed, so it's definitely bug.

  • Change the world gravity, it's too low.

  • Do we have per pixel collision yet? That would be *drool*...

    Javascript isn't fast enough to allow this, as Ashley said. Technology is rapidly improving, so it could be possible in the future, but I wouldn't expect it any time soon.

  • Hi, cool game, must've taken lot of time to create. I have some problems I found while playing.

    • I didn't know the game is also played with mouse. When throwing emp grenades, they always went to the left. Only after a while I touched the mouse and found out there is a crosshair. In the tutorial, buttons (next, skip) can't be clicked with mouse, maybe if it could be used with mouse, the crosshair would stay on the screen (I tried to click it, it didn't work, than I left the cursor outside of the playable area - to the left), or there could be one more message saying, grenades are aimed with the mouse.
    • Hints could be saved into a log or something, I clicked them away and than later couldn't remember what were they saying.
    • I had some problems with wall jumping, took me a while to learn it.
    • Can't get past the door in the first level. It's the password door on the screenshot 2. The door opens, but it won't let me through.

    I'll try it again, maybe the door problem was just one time bug.

  • Two things, it's 3 years old thread in the Construct Classic section.

  • Yes, use action "Set animation" and name them "0","1","2" and "3". Haven't tried it, but this should work.

    Ok, can't use a number as the name, you'll have to use "&" operator.

  • Yann

    I've never been good at math, everything I do is trial/error<img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. Yeah, I didn't know how to offset the angle, so I used conditions. I'll look into your example.

    edit> That's exactly what I wanted, just didn't know how. Never though I'd regret I haven't been more attentive at math classes at school, what a paradox<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. Thanks Yann.

  • New example

    Here's how it works, this picture could also help you.

    <img src="" border="0">

    The sprite has 4 animation frames for 4 possible directions. A frame is chosen on where you click the mouse and the position of the sprite. It's divided into 4 sectors.

    frame #0 has sector 315? up to 360? and from 0? to 45?

    #1 = 45? - 135?

    #2 = 135? - 225?

    #3 = 225? - 315?

    On the bottom part of the picture - the angle between the click of the mouse and the sprite is about 110?, so the code selects frame 1 (arrow is pointing up).