nlon's Forum Posts

  • I need an artist skilled with GUI, your work must be original

    let me know your rate per GUI set and show me your previous work


  • +1 same question here

    gibbon any luck?

  • I deleted Kaspersky antivirus and it all worked.

    yes you're right, i fixed it yesterday

    Kaspersky was the cause, i didn't delete it, just disabled its "Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages" from the Network settings

    the fix is:

    1) Kaspersky Settings > Network settings > disable "Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages" from the

    2) Clear cache in the browser

    3) You may have to reinstall construct 3 in the process and clear cache

    4) export your apk and enjoy

    now everything works normally, with webgl enabled even.

    Ashley this is most likely the solution to the error message "The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)". antiviruses injecting scripts

    same bugs in Github bug reports: #1337 #865 #854 #842 and other forum bug reports

  • Small update:

    When I start the game when the device is offline, it starts instantly without any problems. Do apps built with Construct 3 always connect to the Internet? Any way to stop this?

    Thank you.


    Hey teha, i have the exact same problem and it is just as you said, it's working OFFLINE, but with internet connection it goes white screen. webgl doesn't have anything to do with it. Internet connection does.

    Did you manage to fix the issue?

  • i suffered a lot, then laughed at myself for not knowing the problem

    your problem is that you are loading different users images into ONE SINGLE FRAME, dont do that

    solution, prepare for example 10 frames inside the image sprite, and for each frame you can load the image url

    hope this helps

  • fredriksthlm

    you can make invites/challenges etc via the Share function on the plugin. ShareAsync

    yeah i tried those, they prompt to send a message to the friendlist, not a specific player immediately if we wanted to challenge him directly via messenger

    i dont know what you mean by "ShareAsync", all i see in the action panel are 4 types of share, no sign of "ShareAsync" anywhere there..


    done, yeah i can it's vital for instant games, hope it gets done

  • Hey all,

    I haven't found anything related to IAP in the current version of instant games plugin, so is this feature not doable yet or is there a workaround?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • jagoman, your code sample made lives easier, thanks!

    i have a question though, some games show a challenge button next to friends' names, i think they either send a message to them or send a notification, is this something we can do with the plugin yet?

  • brilliant!! didnt think of that!

  • jagoman

    you said sharing worked for you, or more like "invite", however its not working for me

    i am wondering if there is anything else to do other than what im doing

    i just add an action when button clicked, invite, chosen a random image, added text, empty data field

    i tried all 4 types of share and none worked for me

    what am i missing?

  • oh i see, and can we see the content of the leaderboard somewhere?

    because in the dashboard all i can see is the general setup of the leaderboard like name and type etc, not content, maybe i should fill it up to show content or somewhere else i can see the content?

    thanks for your reply!

  • stuatk

    i'm having trouble with the leaderboard, i just dont understand if i need to make it custom made in game with text object or it will use facebook's leaderboard interface

  • ah i see, i am using Galaxy J7 Prime, and the game runs smoothly

  • Really smooth game, i played the android version. And the obstacles are placed neatly!

    i am wondering though if you had implemented ads into it or not.

  • Ashley this solution needs to be added to the troubleshooter, i was lucky to have found it after digging for ages