Hello everyone,
I need your help with a strange behaviour when exporting to Android (signed APK) and iOS (XCode project).
When running my game in Construct 3 in Google Chrome, everything works fine and as expected.
Sometimes I want to try to install the game directly onto my mobile devices, which are:
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- iPhone 8
- iPad Air 2
(more devices to follow when the beta starts.)
But if I export my app to Android (signed or debug APK) or iOS (Xcode project -> build .ipa), the game is sometimes showing a white screen; sometimes it is running as expected.
So I tried different things, like
- exporting in another browser
- transferring the debug APK with ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
- transferring the file on other ways and install it locally
- publish the app as internal test versions via Google Play and the Apple App Store (TestFlight)
- playing with the export options like minifying etc.
The result does not change. In most cases, the app starts with a white screen and does not play any music. After some time, it is crashing with the error "The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)". When I install a debug APK and check with "chrome://inspect/#devices", it shows this information, which is pretty strange, I think:
While doing this, the APP HTML looks like this:
Sometimes (about 20% of the time), the game starts nearly instantly. Checking the debug data then, I see this error message in main.js:1 : "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE". The game is functioning normally though.
I really hope for your help in this case as my game is nearly finished and ready to beta test, but it does not start up everytime...
Please ask me anything you need.
As this is a commercial project, I cannot publish the project file here. I can hand it out to
Ashley privately, though.
Thank you for your support in advance!
Best regards,