ninjamonkno1's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Thanks, Tom. Just got your email about the fix coming on next upload.

  • Just tested logging in again, redirects to editor. then to animate and then to free trial page so clearly a bug in there. I suspect this has been introduced with the new product has been added to the login redirects(web developer with over 20 years experience).

  • Yes, works for me but the clicking launch button does not when it used too so something has changed on the website or broken.

  • it does not take me to that url it takes me to the free trial page. I am logged in and clicking launch construct should take me to the editor but it does not. Looks like a website issue. I will try that url and see if that fixes it.

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  • I have the same bug and when I hit the launch button it launchs the free trail page and I cannot access what I have paid for.

    Pretty annoying the support email address(where is the support form?) says 2 days to respond to bugs when I was planning on working on an idea using c3 today(I don't expect a response on a Sunday but a bug that has broken the product for customers should have a priority email address), I guess i'll try another game engine instead.

  • Ah good spot, I might have changed that while playing around trying to get it to work.

  • Ok, resolved this by removing the instances from the layout and then spawning them in. Kinda annoying and one might say it is a bug that the instances created events do not execute in order. On Layout started should fire before the instances of objects on the layout.

  • I have spotted that the issue event is execution order, On Start Layout is calling after the Sprite creation event.

    Is there any documentation on execution order and can you force Layout before Spite Creation event or is there another event I can't spot that can run before those events?

  • Thanks Wilson, Yeah I have tried that and it is still not working.

    This is what the code outputs on the console. It is looking like a bug if I am honest.

  • Hi There,

    I am testing out some things for a project and I want to use Vanilla JS for game logic but I cannot construct function script to return the value I have set in globalThis.

    I am setting the variable on Layout start but when trying to set the text on a sprites on created event it is undefined and not setting the text.

    If I console.log while after it has all loaded the variable content shows as expected.

    Can someone point out what I am missing.

    Many thanks


  • 10 posts