nininho2000's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys, good afternoon. I would like to know how I make lines like these:

    I found topics about DRAWINGCANVAS+QARP and CUBIC.

    However, I couldn't configure it to make a perfect curvature using the center between 2 points as the calculation base.

    A,10,B = Curvature from 10 upwards. Something similar...

    How do I do that?


  • Hello, anyone out there that helps?

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  • if you look at the layout properties (the left) and scroll down you´ll see a section called project properties, click view and then scroll down to sampling, it will probably say trilinear you´re gonna wanna change that to nearest. I hope this helps

    Thanks for the help, but even with this configuration I didn't get any changes.

    When I captured the file it came with the size of 920x920.

    My need is for it to be in layout size (5000x5000).

    The purpose of this is that I can enlarge and the image enlarge without losing quality.

    However, I am getting a very poor quality image.

  • Hi everyone, I want to take a high resolution print (somewhere around 5000x5000) but all the images I capture have terrible resolution, how can I configure it to take a high quality print even if the file size increases?

    This was the best quality image I could get.

    I needed to print images so I can zoom 100x without losing quality

  • My game captures a photo.

    On the computer I can download it using BROWSER INVOKEDOWNLOAD

    but on the mobile it doesn't work.

    What is the alternative to make it work?

  • Thanks, worked perfectly, you're a genius \ o.

  • Hello!

    It should be something simple, but I have not found how to do.

    What I would like is to change the object color (sprite) individually for each layout.

    I have 5 phases and would like each one were of one color, but they use the same objects, it is to change the color of objects to the specific layout without changing the other?

    I tried to use the effect "SetColor", worked at first, but gets confused using various layouts, have another way?

    When I change the color of an object in a layou changes at all!

    Thanks for listening.

  • I could do what I wanted, thank you for trying to help, soon will send an example of how to help if someone comes one day with the same question. Hugs.

  • First, thank you for your attention.

    The example that sent me is very good, is 70% of what I needed, I had thought that way, but it was not what I needed. I tried to draw what I need, I hope you understand, sorry for the inconvenience, I know I will not make my game for me, but I really like to learn to do this, but I did not find it in the forum or youtube.

  • I have a new problem, I searched around the forum but found nothing about it. I'm trying to learn how to make a game with mechanics similar to video (99 problems:

    ) (In my imagination it was easy, but in practice not so much LOL). I tried all night, but did not have much progress, so I had to come ask for help again <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">. (Sorry for grammar, i use google translator, I hope you understand what I mean).

    Could take a look at the project and say what I'm missing or direct me to a tutorial? Thank you very much in advance.

    Project: ... sp=sharing

    I just wanted to learn to do the mechanics jump by clicking on the screen using the physics of the game to go to get from one side to the other while being pulled down by gravity or something. This has been very hard for me, I could not find anything.

    Thank you for your attention, and thank you in advance.

  • Ok guys, thank you all helped a lot, see you around.

  • [quote:1sh1seuy]We are not here to make your game for you.

    You hurt my feelings guy. LOL <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    [quote:1sh1seuy]Make the level and fill it with blocks to avoid then make an invisible Sprite that travels up the screen at a set speed and give it the behaviour scroll to

    You helped a lot. Thank you all.

    Sorry for bad grammar.

    Here is my little contribuition for the community: An example showing how do it. ... sp=sharing

  • I has checked it, it is setted as linear.

    I don't know what is the problem.

  • Can you send me a simple example, please?

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    how do i my game's window be scrolling like in this game?

    The Player goes up and the cenary goes down with its plataform and blocks, not only the background scrolling to down.

    In portuguese:

    Como eu faço a janela do jogo descer como nesse jogo?

    O Player sobe e a o cenário desce com suas plataformas e blocks, não apenas o cenário desce, mas sim o mapa do jogo.

    Can you send me exemples, please?