Nimtrix's Forum Posts

  • Here's one way to do it:

    stepMovement.capx (r99)

  • I don't see any "crazy bouncing" using the solid behaviour:


  • If you set the variable every tick, it should always contain the object count, I don't see why you need to set the initial value. But you probably don't need to use a variable for this though, you can use "System: Compare two values" and check if "object.Count <= 0".

  • Drop the anchor behaviour and put your HUD on a layer with parallax 0,0 instead, that should take care of it.

  • I got the wall glitch after some more testing. It should be fine if you change the condition to "Is overlapping" instead of "On collision" and make the wall a bit wider.

    To add the speed of your character to the bullet speed, just set the speed to "Projectile.Bullet.Speed + Player.Platform.Speed".

    For the scrolling, it depends on where you want the limits. But to scroll to your character you just do "Every Tick" and "Set scroll position to (Player.X, Player.Y)".

  • Why do you want to use an array? The "For each object" loop keepee mentioned should do the trick. It will loop through all the instances and apply the action only to the objects that meet the conditions.

  • 1: I couldn't get the bullets to pass through anywhere, so I don't know what you mean.

    2: Your character's max speed is greater than the speed of the bullet, you should either speed up the bullet or slow down the character. You would run past bullets in real life as well, if you were faster than them.

    3: Instead of using the ScrollTo behaviour, use the system actions "Scroll to position" and "Scroll to X/Y". To limit the scrolling, all you have to do is compare two values and input "ScrollX" or "ScrollY" to get the current scroll position.

  • You probably wouldn't notice any difference. But just controlling the X and Y should be less performance heavy as far as I know.

  • The jittering buttons was a bug in r96, fixed in r97 if I remember correctly. Just to double-check, are you sure you're running the latest release?

  • Use the "Set angle of motion" action and the angle expression "angle(Missile.X, Missile.Y, Target.X, Target.Y)"

  • To get the latest beta release, click on the link on the bottom of the front page, or just click the one in my signature.

  • You should probably add a "For each" loop. This will loop through each enemy, checking them individually.

  • Strange, it works fine for me, can change it to any colour without problem. I do get the crash from your other bug report though, the one with the anchor point.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by "freaks out", but try changing the condition with the distance expression to say "less or equal" instead of "equal". It's not very likely it'll be *exactly* Unit01.Height.

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  • Here's a way to do it by simply moving the button based on a "weight" variable in the box objects. You could also set the height of it if you can't hide it behind another object like I do in this example.

    PhysicsTrigger.capx (r99)