Nijek's Forum Posts

  • Nijek

    Sorry, what? I ask because the Wii U supports HTML5, but it doesn't support WebGL.

    Well there is no point in supporting HTML5 canvas and NOT support WebGL. It just doesn't make sense if the hardware can handle it.

  • That's amazing! Congratulations!

    Btw if the PS4 does support HTML5, any idea if it supports WebGL?

    That's like asking if an airline has airplanes, are they commercial jets.

  • Ouya is Android based, so Android apps should work on it. But AFAIK Construct 2 doesn't support the Ouya API so you can't actually get Controller input.

  • This is really cool, I love the art style.

  • Wow, this is pretty cool for being only $90. I might pick one of these up.

  • Thanks for the feedback, i will think about it :)

    It's not something to just think about. This is good advice. People don't just make a random game and then it's magically successful.

    Notch didn't just up and say "Lets make a game today" then made a multimillion dollar game in a couple days. He had years of experience working for other people and saved up money so that he could make his own game.

    If you want to make a game, spend money out of pocket on it. Not just like $5 bucks or something. Spend real money on it. It shows people you are serious. Most Indie devs spends hundreds of dollars out of pocket. It isn't cheap. But it's worth it.

  • There's a glitch where if you run along a wall going up you go faster. Conversely if you run along a wall going down you go incredibly slowly.

  • There's a glitch where you can stand on an enemies head and move with them (without taking damage), I've been having a hard time trying to reproduce it though. If it happens again I'll try and get a screenshot and tell you how I did it.

  • This is a good idea. And is supported by many IDE's. Like Visual Studio, and Code::Blocks. This would be really nice in Construct 2.

  • Looking good so far.

  • Why is this HTML5? This deserves to be a console or PC games O_O

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  • Email us at if you want to upgrade from Personal to Business and we can arrange a pay-the-difference upgrade. You only need a Business license once you have already made $5000 in revenue, so hopefully the additional cost is not a problem by then.

    Considering Construct 2 gives you all possible platform exporters for a single price, it makes it considerably cheaper than buying the same set of platforms for GameMaker. The Master collection is $799, which is the equivalent product you get when you get either Construct 2 license.

    GM is also quite a significantly different product to C2 anyway: C2's strength is in its much superior drag-and-drop event system, whereas GM has a focus on scripting. (You can also use Javascript in C2 with the Javascript SDK to make custom plugins and behaviors.)

    Thank you, I think I'll stick with Construct 2 then.

  • The point isn't that it's expensive (I realize that it isn't expensive relative to most other tools). But what I'm asking is, why is it more expensive than say GM: S.

    Personally I really like the way GM: S does it's pricing, you only pay for what you want to develop for. I only want to develop for HTML5 (for reasons mentioned before, it's quite possible that I spend $100 annually for an Apple developer license but make much less than $100).

    And I don't have a ton of money seeing as I make less than minimum wage right now (in my state if a business makes less than a certain amount of money they don't have to pay their employees minimum wage, and my employment options are quite limited as you might imagine). Plus if I were to say develop for a bunch of different platforms I would have to buy a device for each platform which in short, is a ton of money I don't have.

    Enough explaining myself, maybe I will buy the Personal edition. But first I'd like to clarify one thing, do you have to buy the Business Edition after you have made $5000 from one single app, or in total from all of your games combined?

    EDIT: One last thing, instead of being ridiculed for bringing up valid points, please explain your point of view instead of ridiculing mine. The burden of proof is on me, but that doesn't mean that you have to be ridiculous about it.

  • 1. But then when you want to export to IOS/Android you need to toss in another $400, which puts the cost above the business edition.

    2. The personal edition is very cheap, and you don't have to get the business edition until you make $5000. Once you've made that 5k $300 won't be too much of a problem. Since the actual software is the exact same I don't see how the personal edition "won't cut it" whereas the business one will.

    3. Okay, I guess it has changed then.

    1. I don't want to make iOS/Android. It's an over saturated market that's nearly impossible to get recognized in unless you have a massive audience already. Which is exactly the reason why I chose HTML5.

    2. But buying the personal edition would be literally throwing money away since I'll have to buy the business edition anyways (eventually, not right away obviously).

  • A few things.

    1. The 200$ HTML5 module for GM only gets you the HTML5 export. With Construct 2, you get every exporter they have for the one price.

    2. The business edition is only needed for teams or if you have a higher income from your creation. You can get the personal edition which gives the exact same features inside of C2 for 120$ (Which ends up being less than the 200$ HTML5 module for GM)

    3. You get all of the updates for free. When Scirra releases a new exporter you just update the software and you have it, no extra 200$ to unlock it. From what I can remember, if YoYo releases a new GM version you have to pay for everything all over again to get that new version.

    1. But as far as I know, the iOS and Android apps are just HTML5 and then run with a runner. Whereas in GM: S it will be compiled directly to native code (not actually available yet)

    2. I plan on making a living form HTML5, so the personal edition won't cut it (I'd end up having to upgrade to the business edition anyways).

    3. You get all the updates to GM for free (I've used GM in the past).

    EDIT: Don't take this the wrong way, I really like Construct 2. I used Game Maker for windows for a long time, and switching over to Construct was awesome! I just don't see Construct 2 as being worth nearly $190 more than Game Maker.