Nijek's Forum Posts

  • Why is Construct 2 so expensive? It's a great dev tool, but GM: S is a better value to be quite honest. It's only $200 for HTML5 (GM: S Pro + HTML5 module) whereas it's $390 for Construct 2 business edition, nearly twice the cost. I'm somewhat disappointed, and as soon as I have the money I'll be switching over to GM: S.

  • How do i make realistic flashlight effect (not useless) for zombie shooting game? I trying to find it but i can't ;/.

    I have a simple way to do so (though I haven't tried it so it may not work as intended)

    Make a layer on top of everything and have a completely black image placed on it. Change the transparency to something you see fit. Then draw the flashlight beam on the same layer and set the blend mode to XOR. That should work and very simple.

  • Holy crap this game is addicting and hard.

  • Well, I made some adjustments and integrated with Facebook.

    I don't know if I should make a new topic, so I'll post it here if anyone is interested :D


  • Seems like a cool idea. Unfortunately, I wouldn't exactly fit at the pub (only 15) and the UK is to far away.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • InkScape is great for vector stuff and such but you won't have as much freedom or control as using something like GIMP or for pixel art =]

    Creating detailed sprites isn't inkscapes forte, but it is great for producing higher resolution images (imagine trying to create a 128x128 sprite pixel by pixel...)

  • Hi Nijek!

    I've been struggling with the general exposure/gamma of the themes, since my monitor is not exactly accurate and I haven't been able to test it on other computers, so this feedback is great!

    Thanks! I'm uploading a new version with increased brightness :)

    Yay! This is a great game.

  • Yo, I'm Nijek.

    I've been fiddling around with Construct 2 for a bit, and I'm enjoying it. It's not as complex as other tools and doesn't have a huge amount of overhead.

    Developing games hasn't been as satisfying for me in a long while.

  • I love this game, but it's really hard to see things with the default theme. I've found Paez to be the best.

  • I'd strongly suggest Inkscape and GIMP for free software, I would also recommend taking a look at this site:

    It's literally saved my butt since I can't afford to contract an artist.