nicolalucky's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone, I'm developing a game of coloring drawings and I would like to use the C3 "Drawing Canvas" plugin. How can I draw freehand on the canvas? Ashley

  • Hi everyone. I have a problem on my C3. I noticed that all the new plugins released by the team in my project do not appear but appear installed. While if I open a new project the plugins appear. Do you have a solution?

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  • Yes, but it is a game intended for Playstore, so it will be downloaded from different types of devices

  • I want to have a game without black borders, completely fullscreen

  • Hi, I'm building a game with a layout size of 1920 x 1080. How can I display it on any device completely in full screen? I tried the "scale inner" option, but layout parts are cut off. Thank you

  • Hello to all. I'm building a game where a sprite has to hit some coins. The currency immediately after being hit must go to position itself at the left corner of the layout but with a circular trajectory. How can I do? I am attaching a small example

  • Thanks! :)

  • Hello everyone, sorry for my english but I'm using google translate. How can I install third-party plugins from NPM? I tried to convert plugins but once compiled the apk they do not work

  • Hello, I urgently need your help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /> I created this menu that works scrolling but I would like the elements within the menu to be repeated continuously. How can I do it? ... .capx?dl=0

    How can you do the same thing but with infinite elements? I would like that by continuing scrolling the menu items are repeated infinitely

  • Hi guys , is that I'm trying for weeks to enter service in the google play my game , but I can not . I wish at the start of my game you can log in to your google . and that you can see as you enter the trophies and ranking . I tried both with and both Intel XDK . I tried in every way . I prefer to export the project with Cordova and then create it with Intel XDK , if I'm not mistaken with XDK should I use PhoneGapGame . Please help me . I consulted all the tutorials and forums but I can not . The site has updated and do not know how to use it . Thank you all. I'm hoping for an answer that solves everything

  • Yes

  • Hello guys , I am creating a game for the Android platform , but do not know how to enter the Leaderboard and achiviement with google play service . Can someone explain to me how to do? I prefer to export the project with Cordova and after use Intel XDK ! Many thanks to those who help me

  • Hello guys , I need your help .

    I want to create a level playing with star ratings . I created the variable " CollectStar " and I would do that if I play a score of 10 I evaluation of a star , if I have a score of 20 have a rating of 2 stars and if I have a score of 30 have a rating of 3 stars and then set the frame animation. I would also like to know how to insert animations to the buttons and how to insert the text " BestScore " the stars that look like fireworks . Thanks so much

  • LittleStain I already tried this tutorial but I do not understand how to enter unlock levels and stars based on XP