newt's Forum Posts

  • For that to work you have to scale the mask down as well.

    The events for it would be like:

    With both the canvas, and the mask scaled down in the editor...

    ->start of layout paste mask into canvas

    -->destroy mask

    -->scale canvas to desired size

    -->canvas update collision mask

  • Sorry I cant seem to open your cap. Its pretty odd It says the cap uses "Colored Outline. Fx", and cant be located, but I clearly have the fx, and it's working for me.

    I guess either you version is different, or mine is corrupt somehow.

    Either way I mean use the value you use to set the frames. Strings are usually converted.

    I was just using the text object as an example.

  • That would be the variable, like:

    If round(((Hero.Value('Power')*1.2)-Enemy.Value('Resist')+random(15))*global('Factor'))+1 is greater than 1000000

    Set your sprites to

    left(str(round(((Hero.Value('Power')*1.2)-Enemy.Value('Resist')+random(15))*global('Factor'))+1),9))&" M"

    Or what ever your using for m.

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  • Hosting for Construct Classic, or even links to caps poses way too many issues, but something like that should be doable for Construct 2.

    Same thing goes for plugs, another reason for a site repository.

    Then again, from what I understand C2 is supposed to be modular enough to allow a dev to make something like that... built in.

  • The text object is pretty good about doing the conversion, but you can always use str(), or int(), if need be.

  • I might re do it eventually to do that, and it might make more sense to have it possible to retrieve an online list where you don't have to log on to something.

    Heck it can do that without the Game Jolt plug. I could just maintain a file in my dropbox.

  • [quote:2ll78eyg]Left(string, N)

    Returns a string with the left N characters of string, eg. Left("Hello", 2) gives "He"

    That with a few subevents should work.

    -if damage is greater than 1000 set text to left(variable "damage",3)&" k"

    --if damage is greater than 1000000 set text to left(variable "damage",9)&" m"

  • From what I understand Canvas can only paste from the screen.

    You can either add the image to the canvas in the image editor, or scale the Canvas down, then up with a smaller mask, but you loose image quality that way.

    I should note that using huge sizes for canvas is not advised, as it takes up huge amounts of vram.

  • heh

    I was hoping there would be a lot more interest, but to be honest, I'm having a hard time thinking of anything new to add.

  • Does the health bar fill its own borders, with no transparency?

    Like if you scale an image that has a transparency around the image the transparency will be scaled as well.

  • I'd suggest a for each object ordered by private variable ascending... send to front.

    If you give each new instance an increasingly higher number(via global pv switch) it will sort to the newest card on top. Descending to do the opposite.

    Then for the specific card do compare variable like pv = what you want, send to front

  • Well if your sure you have the latest direct9 installed, then you can try to use the directx runtime rather than application.... that might have something to do with it.

  • You should probably update directx9, and your camera drivers, before you start handing out "crazy".... we're all full up.

  • Your welcome.

    Also added a new version that does the placement properly, and added an offset for a wavy kind of effect.

  • As I recall you didn't do anything that called for your ban, but you asked to be banned, and they responded in kind.

    If you wish to be a part of the community, then fine, obviously a ban wont keep you away, but please try to keep the hissyfits to a minimum, they really don't accomplish anything.