newt's Forum Posts

  • Can't you just delete them from the final export folder?

    Sorting the folder by file type should make it even simpler.

  • The problem is a lot of the features <canvas> gives aren't easily implemented into webgl, things like paths, curves etc.

    On the other hand some of the functionality you are looking for already exists, but its pretty limited, IE snapshot canvas.

    The question is what other functionality is available?

    Or is there some happy medium, such as the ability to snapshot certain areas of the screen, and or if we aren't able to draw curves, could we perhaps draw lines, or even just plot pixels like in Construct Classics Canvas?

  • Pay to have the plumbers crack covered up.....

  • I think a separate behavior would be better. Something you can set by uid.

    That way you can still use the pin.pinuid, but not be limited to the pin behavior.

  • So basically you are saying "give me money, and I'll make something... maybe".

    Yeah good luck with that.

  • Don't think of everything in a family as different objects, think of them as instances.

    That means you only use for each when you need to forcibly pick the object, just like you do with instances.

  • If you are unfamiliar with the terms Boolean, and or state machine you should take some time out and do some Googling for those.

    I know they sound some what heady, but they are actually very simple. In fact they can be implemented in C2 easily using global, and instance variables.


    Lots of:

    if a=b do foo

    at some point in foo change a

  • Not sure where appPath is on a preview unless its saved first, but it probably wont work unless you do that.

    Its also possible that it may not work at all in preview mode for some computers.

    Also, just to make sure, Node-webkit wont run if the user doesn't have DirectX installed anyway.

    I know you are probably just doing it as an exercise, but I just thought I'd point it out.

  • I think its more like you're telling it to be in more than one place at a time with the keyboard negated events.

    Darn you quantum teleportation.

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  • Works fine here. Just remember to reset path position each time you generate a new path.

  • Not sure why you would have a plugins folder outside of html5, but there should be one inside of it.

  • Man walks into the doctors office says "Doctor Doctor it hurts when I do this!"

    Doctor says "Don't do that."

    Seriously what you should do is use the accelerometer/geolocation and make a game to see how far the toddler can throw the phone.

    Or Google tablets for kids perhaps?

  • There are many different methods to set up movements for multiple objects, and that's part of the problem.

    In particular the distribution, as in how far apart should the units be, are they in rows, and columns, or are they just there haphazardly?

  • First you would have to pick one instance, and save its x, and y to a variable, then you would need to make it so that instance is not picked again. So..

    On you condition/ trigger picking your object

    - call function("myfunction") set parameter index 0 to object.x, set parameter index 1 to object.y

    -- set object instance variable variable ("dontPickMe") to 1

    On function("myfunction")

    -object compare variable("dontPickMe") =0

    --object pick closest to object.variable((myfunction.parameter(0),myfunction.parameter(1))

    So basically add a function object to get out of the picking issue.