newt's Forum Posts

  • Anybody got this on their c3 conversion todo list?

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  • I don't have any big gripes about copy, and pasting code, if they want to make a library type thing available as a solution, but I don't think that is feasible with how Construct is set up as Ashley already pointed out.

    It seems to be the same issue as copy and pasting events.

  • Just as you would expect a rapid development engine to have a good gui system, you would expect an engine geared at non coders to not have to code.

    Nobody wants an html element floating over their content, and nobody wants to dig through the web to style it since there no documentation on the vast majority of possible css functions.

    Did I mention the non coder thing?

    I would rather try to hack something together from the mismash of parts than have to deal with a box with a z I can't control, and a refresh rate that makes it look like you are using Windows Xp.


    If you need to hand that off to a third party then fine.

    Offer a subscription for an good implementation.

    Do a GUI Jam, get creative.

  • No. The tilemap is one texture sliced into tiles and rendered as one object so it uses no more ram than the initial tilemap texture.

    Tilemaps are generally a ram saving measure.

    Yes there are "culling" features for on screen rendering, as well as collisions.

  • The tilemap is setup as one texture, so there is no extra overhead for a large layout, unless you have a bunch of things going on all the time, changing tiles like an animation, collisions with solid, etc.

    The limit is the size of the texture, just like all the other objects. The tilemap is essentially one object with one texture.

  • The size of the layout is irrelevant. All that matters is the size of the tilemap texture, and the amount of things, or objects doing something.

  • Data structures is another issue.

    For example: try making a highscore list with badges, times, highscores, names, etc, and then sort it by something other than high score.

    You can't do it unless you store it in instance variables. Array's, and dictionaries are pretty much useless, and I don't even wanna dare try to try to figure it out in Json.

  • My issue with the dom, and html elements is that they are always on top, and not rendered at the same time.

    We need a webgl equivalent.

    Keep in mind that many features such as scaling, scrolling, ordering, etc are not trivial things to set up, even for seasoned users.

    Having to set those things up every time is very taxing.

  • If you're not very familiar with the query system you can try a simple password system.

    They purchase access, you tell them a password after payment, they enter the pass in the game.

    The game itself, like all websites, is public.

  • The List object is one of those building blocks that can really save a ton of time. It can solve the issues of sorting, scrolling, limiting overflow, and many other things.

    But it's a dom element.

  • That won't work. You can't keep a secret after you tell it.

    You can require a password.


    What he said ^

    Also there's many other ways to get an address than looking at source code.

  • No, but you can use the Browser plug to check a variable in the url:


    Return a query string parameter by name. For example, if the URL ends with index.html?foo=bar&baz=ban, QueryParam("foo") returns bar and QueryParam("baz") returns ban.

  • A game engine whose forte is rapid development should have a solid gui system.

    It's not like these things aren't a regular thing in programing:

    Hell half the "Hello World" tutorials depend on them.