Neozuki's Forum Posts

  • Perhaps it's already possible, since it seems like it should be, but how can we set variable color filters?

    The only way I know how to do this is to have overlaying sprites that have variable opacity settings, which is just too much.

    Am I missing a basic function of Construct, or is this a valid feature request?

  • I tried to help with your problem but OH GOD THE EVENTS.

    (Consider using groups?)

    But anyways, the game looks really great. Interesting buildings too.

  • Haha, that is exactly how I found it too. In the readme (haha, yeah, a readme for this) I even linked to the site. There is a lot of other stuff on that site too, not always math related.

  • This was fun for me to make, except for one stupid error that had me frustrated well up until the end. ...

    Recognize the patterns, anyone?

  • Hey you two. Tharky, your English is pretty good. It may not be 100% "perfect" but I do understand you completely, so it's good enough right?

    I know I've introduced myself once when I first joined but that was so long ago. So... here goes again. My name is Neozuki, but everyone calls me Neo for short. I, like Tharky, enjoy creating anything. Programming boring programs, useless signatures, improbable stories, etc. The list goes on. As for gaming, I will play anything. Anything, so consider me when you need a "quality assurance expert".

  • Ah, thanks! I am very glad I don't have to use trigonometry.

  • How would I go about spawning an object (in my case, a projectile) with an offset, but the offset is affected by rotation?

    To clarify, I mean making a bullet spawn on a certain spot on an object using offsets that would work no matter the object's rotation.

    I can't use imagepoints because I want dynamic spots for weapons to spawn at, and I'm not even sure you can make imagepoints in-game.

    <img src="">

  • still missing many valued members of the Scirra boards

    Sorry I took so long.

    Anyways, here is the latest picture of me, which was slightly stretched, but who cares?

    <img src="">

    Me outside in the snow. Notice my eyes are squinting in dismay at the abundance of sunlight.

    <img src="">

    Me outside in the snow, with a snowman! Wow! How exciting, and stuff!

    <img src="">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Alright, I'll be sure to try that. I have both the installers, but it will take me awhile to get it transferred. When I do I will be sure to let you know if it works or not.

  • I thought of that, but I thought Construct would stop installing if I canceled anything. Maybe it didn't. I'll be sure to try again when I can. Thank you.

  • I'm not exactly sure if this would be possible (license conflicts, or something of the sort) but would it be out of the question to have a Construct installer that doesn't require an internet connection?

    The PC I use to create and play games on has no internet connection, and therefore I can't just transfer the Construct installer via a flash drive or CD. I thought about letting everything install and just moving that stuff, but I don't know what I'd need.

    Is it possible to have an installer that does not require the internet, or perhaps that doesn't try to install anything but Construct? (I have the DirectX and whatnot, just need a copy of Construct that doesn't have a certain bug.)

    Haven't posted in a long while, but I've been craving some Construct and would greatly appreciate a solution to this.

  • I've played Rockman a long time ago, too long to remember but I'd still try this if you had a good game going. There are a lot of sites offering free resources, and ripped sprites so it shouldn't be too hard to find those things. (Even if you want new sprites / music, the free ones provide structure and give you an idea of what you need)

    Also I have an idea for a game. It's called Geek Roulette.

    Rules: Turn off firewall and anti virus. Visit warez site. Take turns downloading until PC dies.

  • 17.60714285(repeating)

  • As far as I know it's your keyboard. My old one supported 4 simultaneous keys while my new one handles 3. I hear others supporting at least 7.

    For instance, here's a keyboard that can support 7 simultaneous keys at once. ... yboard.asp

    "Registers up to 7 simultaneous key-strokes, in comparison to 2-4 on most other keyboards! Jump, move forward, lean left, change weapons and shoot at the same time!"

    Edit: Misread your post. I don't know if there is a workaround, I guess it's a built-in limit for your keyboard.

  • Thank you, I will try that later after finishing some stuff up. I messed around with it a bit after my edit and I got it to display all the values, except it would move one row down after each entry, but hopefully your method won't have the problem.