nekojan's Forum Posts

  • I set up an AdMob account for an Android game and then when I click on Analytics, the page give me a notification:

    [quote:m162y2nr]No Hits

    Property All AdMob apps is not receiving hits.

    I'm totally new to this app + ads integrating thing. What is this about? How should I fix it?

  • AndreasR Thank you. This will be my weekend project to try it out

  • Hello. Thank you AndreasR and cranberrygame for tutorial and nice plug-in. Before I find this post, I thought I couldn't use Google play games with Crosswalk, so I use CocoonJS service. Do you have any thoughts on which is better now between CocoonJS and Crosswalk for mobile games?

    Also, AndreasR, I read your other post about using Millenial Media through mopub and CocoonJS. Do you need to put Millenial Media SDK in the game too?

    Please delete

    Thank you.

  • Does anyone get it to work?

  • Log in is working fine but "request logout" doesn't seem to work for me.

    Have anyone tried it? Did you get it to work?

    My implementation is:

    if the user is sign in --> shows sign out animation

    if the user is not sign in --> shows sign in animation

    When I test the game, sign in button works great then the game shows a sign out animation (as expected).

    But when I click the sign out button, the game shows a sign in button for a second and then switch back to show a sign out button again... And I'm still log in to the account...

    Would you have any suggestion on this?

  • Hehe... Thank you. I'll check your game out too

    Now I have a problem with signing out. Some how the 'request logout' doesn't seem to work for me. Have you tried it?

  • Looks good I'll try it...

    [Edit] I just did a quick run through. The game-play is very smooth. And the thing I like the most is the voice acting ... So good job on that.

  • So for a game, should I set On start of (home) layer --> request sign in?

    Or should I just have a button for the user to sign in?

    Auto sign in

    Pros: User easily sign in once and can use all the game's features such as achievements and leaderboard.

    Cons: For the users that don't want to sign in, then the sign in pop up would be very annoying everytime they start the game.

    A sign in button

    Pros: Not annoying for the users who don't want to sign in.

    Cons: Some users may not pay attention to the button and don't realize that the game has more fun features.

    So what are your thoughts on this? If you have an android game, did you use Google game services? And how do you implement it?

  • Hello. Thank you for posting this. I've been trying things around and wondering why the submitting score doesn't work. Sorry, I couldn't help with your problem.

  • bono Hello. Thank you for trying it out If you hit the upper or lower wall (crates) or if the power runs out then it will be game over too. So you have to collect the stars and candy/sweets to fill up the power bar.

  • Hello. Thank you for your feedback

    I notice the particles problem as well. I have also tried spawning the particles on the top-most layer (the same layer as the power bar), but the particles still go behind the tree. So I'm not really sure why it does that... I assume that it could be a glitchy problem with 2 looping backgrounds? Is there a way for me to look at the code or debug this some how? @

  • Try Construct 3

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  • [Edit] We are done with the testing, so I'm removing this post. Thank you for all the help

  • Hello World? o_o

  • Thank you... I'll try it out for fun.