Nefaru's Forum Posts

  • As example, while my player is flashing, thats for 1 sec, his health variable cant change. So when hes walking into a enemy, he should be immortal for 1 sec.

    How can i check that? First step: while player is flashing and then? Is there something to set a variable to a value that cant be changed? Thanks!

  • The animation would work but then my character always rides the raptor, not just then when he collides with it.

  • Okey, I'm not sure how to fix it now but I will try it ^^ Thank you!

  • korbaach, I already had it with on key pressed but then the animation "raptorrunning" doesnt event start.

  • So heres a picture. The problem should be somewhere there. I have a normal raptor sprite. If the player walks into it, destroy the raptor and set the player animation to "playeronraptor". He rides the raptor now if you now what I mean. Thats works fine. But then if I wonna walk with it, the animation "raptorrunning" starts but just the first frame. Then it stopps. I have 4 frames in "raptorrunning" and it should loop. Maybe you guys can help me ^^ Its a bit complicated. ... l.png.html

  • Okey thank you I will check it again

  • When I press the left arrow button my character looks left and my animation starts but just the first frame. Also if I press the right arrow my character walks right and the walking animation starts but just the first frame and then the animation stopps. What could it be? Yes, its a looped animation with animationspeed 7.

    In the code its like: If right arrow button is pressed = character animation to "walking". That works fine, but then he just switch the animation to the first frame from the animation and then it stopps, but I have 4 frames in a loop. Thanks!

  • Okey thats true so then just 1 question, how many objects are normal for 1 level ( 1 Layout )? I think thats my problem ( very high CPU ).

    I just play it on my desktop computer and I have a lot of laggs and performance problems in some levels. At the moment I have more than 10'000 Objects.

    But not just on 1 layout, 8 layouts at the moment. Could that be the reason why it just resetts the level? Because it cannot handle it?

  • Hi. I just made a platform game with some levels (6 at the moment). each level contains 3 Checkpoints. So in my third level I have the problem, that sometimes the level just resetts. Its always near the same spot when it happens. But there is nothing special! It teleports my character just to the beginning from the level and all enemys, coins... are back and alive. And the checkpoints are also resettet. What kind of problem could it be? Thanks guys!

  • Oh nice, sry I just looked for a spawn method in "system"... I tried it now with create and it works! Thank you

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  • I have a small problem :/ In my platform game there is a cave with a dinosaur inside. His speed is 0 and he just starts running when the player overlapps a special object.

    The dinosaurs speed is now 440 and you have to run away. That works pretty good. But now to my problem. The checkpoint for the player is behind the cave. If you die, you have to do all again. But how can i respawn the dinosaur again in the cave? First i have to destroy the dinosaur object when the player dies, right? And then i have to spawn another dinosaur object, but how can i spawn him at the start position in the cave? He always spawns there where the player died.. Sry for my english, hope its not too bad and thanks