necromaster's Forum Posts

  • Just added to Kongregate:

    Pachinko Parlor

  • Hi Ashley,

    You are right.

    I have been repeating the tests extensively at my end and apparently I am confusing it with two issues:

    1. The above bug symptoms which I list above.

    2. And the fact that it does not load kongregate_api.js for me.

    After refreshing my browser cache thoroughly and testing with less used browsers like Safari and Maxthon, I found that the code executes when minified.

    However, my second problem:

    In index.html, it says:

    <script src="//"></script>

    To get my game to work, I always had to do this: Download the javascript file and place it on my server, then modify index.html file with:

    <script src=""></script>

    Otherwise, my game would appear to have "stopped" at the loading screen.

    If you have an idea as to why this might be happening, I would love to hear your thoughts.

    In conclusion, please close the original bug.

    Sorry for the wild goose chase and keep at what you are doing.

    Great job!


    Gavin GamesWarp

  • Hi jegcelorio, which browser were you using?

    Oh yes, I wanted to add to my previous comment: I can't upload Pachinko Parlor to the Scirra Arcade because of file size and plugin restrictions. Too bad, otherwise a lot more people can try the game.

  • Firstly, a warm welcome to the C2 Forums.

    Unfortunately, I don't think you will find much help in this section of the forums. I suggest you (or a moderator) move your message to the "Construct 2 General" section. This area is for people looking for jobs.

    Next, nobody can understand what the three tiny images in your message mean; they are just too small. It would be better you either redo the images, or you provide a small part of your program that shows the problem. That way, somebody will be able to help you out.

    Alternatively, search the forums on how to do debugging. I would recommend you check the plugins and install one so you can watch variables and see what is happening in the background.


    Gavin GamesWarp

  • Facebook doesn't really own your content. The Terms of Use for Facebook say: "<font color="Blue">You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings.</font>" And Facebook don't own my content at all too; after all, I am running the game on my own server.

    I have a free 6-machine version loaded up in the Chrome Web Store, but I am still waiting for the "Pending Review" status to clear.

    Kongregate was a disaster because I published it to do some testing, not realizing I (the creator) cannot unpublish it without submitting an email; you can imagine the negative PR I received. Anyway, the final decision to pull the plug from Kongregate was because of a bug in the plugin.

    I will try to upload a free version to the Scirra Arcade.

  • Here is a gameplay video of Pachinko Parlor (Facebook App). This is "Machine #9 - Nine Candles" in action:


  • Here is a gameplay video of Pachinko Parlor (Facebook App):


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  • Oops.. Kongregate finally fulfilled my request to "delete" my app. The link is no longer applicable.

    Ashley, If you need a capx, I will create one for you tomorrow.


    Gavin GamesWarp

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    PART A

    1. Use Kongregate plugin in the game project.

    2. On Start of Layout, have a condition that says Kongregate->On Login. Make the game do something on logging in (eg. making a sprite visible).

    3. Compile game <font color=Red>with the minify setting</font> and upload it to the server.

    4. Get the URL to index.html and fill it into Kongregate's IFrame URL box.

    5. Run game on Kongregate.

    PART B

    6. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but in step 3 <font color=Red>do not set minify</font>.

    <PS. I made a copy of kongregate_api.js and placed it on my server. I also updated index.html to point to the new path on my server (and not pointing to At least it would be more responsive during testing.>

    Observed result:

    PART A: Game does not detect that player has logged in (with minify set).

    PART B: Game detects that player has logged in (with minify not set).

    Expected result:

    PART A: Game should detect that player has logged in and the condition should have been triggered.

    PART B: Game detects correctly that player has logged in and the condition is triggered.

    <font color=Blue>My suspicions - Apparently, the minified script shows "kongregate.xl.blah();" etc, whereas the unminified script shows ";". Could minifying have caused a problem? Is there a workaround or quick-fix to this bug? - I prefer to have my project minified.</font>

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7 and SP1

    Construct 2 version:


  • Has anybody successfully uploaded their game on Kong?

    My problem is that if I minify my project, the Kong plug-in will not work. Apparently, a minified Kong plug-in seems to result in garbled calls to "" and "".

    Anybody has a workaround to get your code minified without "services" and "stat" being garbled?

    I don't want to leave my code in the open.



  • Has anybody successfully uploaded their game on Kong?

    My problem is that if I minify my project, the Kong plug-in will not work. Apparently, a minified Kong plug-in seems to result in garbled calls to "" and "".

    Anybody has a workaround to get your code minified without "services" and "stat" being garbled?

    I don't want to leave my code in the open.



  • Yup, that is the FB plugin I was talking about. Great stuff for others out there who need it.

    For now, I had a problem when the Kongregate plugin was "obfuscated". I am looking for a way to prevent only that module from becoming minified. Anybody had any luck? Otherwise, it would need some coding changes in its current state.

  • Any ideas if the base Kongregate/Facebook plugins will be improved upon? They are kind of problematic in their current state.

    I know there is a Facebook plugin workaround labelled as FB 2.0, but is anyone working on an improved Kongregate plugin?



  • The Facebook game Pachinko Parlor, has had many new changes added to it, making it a more polished and fun experience.

    Please do give it a try, would really love to hear some useful feedback.


    * Scoring system implemented. Now there are five target bars per machine. The player must capture enough balls in all target bars to "win" the machine. Once this is done, his score will be saved into the database via PHP and MySQL. At the same time, the Facebook plugin will post to his timeline that the player attained a high score for that machine.

    * New Level #15 - Frogs in the Well. See screenshot below.

    * 2 New Randomized Collectibles. "Mirror" (see screenshot below) will cause the launch tube to appear on the opposite side, and "Lightning Bolt" will cause balls to exit at twice the normal rate.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Next in the pipeline to implement, would be a proper Friends and Tournament implementation.

  • Updated 17 Feb 2013.

    NEW - Lobby update with a "carousel" like interface that allows the player to pan left or right to navigate. Once satisfied, he only needs click on the Pachinko machine he wishes to play.

    NEW - Four new levels: #11 - Delicate Lady, #12 - Tasty Sushi, #13 - Flower Power, #14 - Opera Rendition. Screenshots available here:

    UPDATE - Like button added using Pode's HTML iFrame Plugin.

    <img src="" border="0" />