Nate_Dogg229's Forum Posts

  • I have a sprite that on fired, repeats RANGE times. it adds 1 to the width each time it doesnt hit a solid, I would like to make this bounce off of walls

  • Thanks for the offer, but I can't think of anything at the moment. If I do think of any uses I will create another post or something like that

  • I just think it would be useful for various things

  • I use platforming and Ill take a screenshot of the some of the code

    I have it so that the animations instance has a variable telling it which enemy type it is. this is the code for the harpy, I have extra trouble with this enemy type because they fly around really fast and its really obvious there is something wrong when they group up

  • Is there a way to reset a specific persistent object instead of all of them

  • So I use this system where the enemy collisions and animations are different objects and they are in a container, this works just fine except for when there are multiple enemies trying to chase the player. When multiple enemies are chasing the player one often gets 'confused' with another, for example I have 2 enemies that chase the player and one of them just goes in the same direction as the other, which is away from me. I do not know how to fix this

  • I use special parallax backgrounds where depending on the layer I put them in the parallax is different, these destroy the framerate when fullscreen quality is on, and it would be useful for it to not do that, are there any ways I can fix this?

  • I already have that feature set up in the game. And the way it can tell if the player has or is in a tile is in the actual game I use a 9-patch with a specific code thats different from the rest and if the player is in that it makes the map tile with that code explored and glow up

  • This is what the map looks like at the moment

  • I think I wanta to stick with using sprite tiles, I use Adjust HSL to make them light up if the player is in that room, would this be worth finding another way to do it?|

    Also I noticed it only gets laggy when a lot of tiles are explored (visible)

  • Thanks for the help

  • I have around 500 right now

  • each tile is an instance, there are hundreds possibly going to be over a thousand later on

  • I have a map system where if it is explored it is visible on the map page you can move the map around with wasd.(I use something like set maptile.x to MapXOffset ) but it gets laggy when there are a lot of tiles and dont know how to fix it. Would using the pin function help?


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  • I am making a metroidvania game (like blasphemous and the last faith) but I am having trouble finding anough sound effects