Natal's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Wow, the updates are looking great! Such a difference. Awesome job emulating the metroidvania style.

  • Thank You!

  • Static Speed


    This was a game I made for a class assignment. Hope you enjoy.

  • Grew up with Commodore 64 and Sega systems until I got N64 and it's been Nintendo since.

    First games I can remember:

    -Monkey Island 1&2 - I played this game over and over, never got bored of it. Always gonna be a gem.

    -Commander Keen

    -Jazz the Jack Rabbit (Sonic clone for PC. popular mid 90's I think)

    -Wonder Boy

    -Sonic 1&2 (rip sonic games)

    -Super Contra - Played at my cousins house, he had the Nintendo systems. We would get so adrenaline pumped from this game.

  • I'll probably be playing dark souls till I die or my save file corrupts :/

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • *Guybrush Threepwood*

    Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears)





  • Thanx a bunch! was about to head out on vacation for the next three weeks and im glad I saw this before I left. Gave me a smile. I defenitley feel the 80's gen coming out in all forms of media in the past decade. I do believe its our time to shine. awesome reading what we have in common. good stuff. Thanx alot for reaching out, I really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy! :D

  • for making the snow dissapear comments back in may. Wouldnt you be able to treat an individual 'snow tile' as an animatiom calling on the frame with empty snow under the same 'snow tile' when the character interacts with it?Edit:(didnt notice how old those posts were till I already had written this out, heh, sorry)

    Awesome game. The music got me jumping right away. The controls are pretty tight. Can be pretty challenging. A good balance to the challenge would be if the oppistion took a quick sec to fill up their snowballs aswell. You guys are doing an awesome job.

  • Hey, joined the forum earlier this week. I leaerned about Construct 2 through my bro who loves testing out game makers. WHen he started using this he fascinated me with how easy things can be put together. And since two months ago we had been hard at work on game ideas.

    Im a graphic designer and animator. Hopefully soon i'll also be a construct 2 programmer as well and start my own little projects. Im an 80's child with two older bros. so I started with atari and up. I was boss with the commodore 64 in school. :D

    We just realeased a game demo on the android for our very first time. Maestro Jungle Adventure based on the construct 2 program.

    My reason for jumping in the forums other than getting to know the communtiy and build some rep was also because my bro has been on here for a while and no one has been responding to our posts or trying our game, so we feel a little bit at a stand still in the community. So I'm doing my best to enjoy other peoples games with some input when I can in hopes I recieve the same :D

  • Im not sure anyone in this community has tried our project yet but if you do download our game on your phone send me a PM to your game and i'll return the favor. I really would like to know what people thought and if it werks well on other peoples devices.

    Maestro Jungle Adventure

    -Google App Store

  • Loved it! Its a great game to look at. I love good art and animation, especially unique designs. Music fits the game well. Very professional sounding.

    If your lookin for any crtiques I suppose I'd say some sound effects seem a little louder than they should be in some areas or over shadow other sounds.

    And as for a general opinion, voice work for this game would put it above the rest. Its one of the reasons I love DotT and Sam N' Max. I could see myself loving your characters even more if only I could hear them speak. :D Good stuff.

  • Tried it on my chrome browser. Everything seemed in place. As fort he game, it was fun. Good sense of challenge balancing the ball while shooting. A nice upgrade to classic arkanoid.

    If anything, having the ball come back at you when you shoot it can be a little to difficult when having to dodge bullets and shoot back at the little tanks(Maybe thats a bug?)

    And maybe making the stage more narrow might reduce the ball from bouncing to much on a horizontal line?

    Otherwise, cool stuff.

  • 12 posts