NaSTy's Forum Posts

  • Ah! nemo,

    i post too a similar problem but on iOS

    now i suppose that also to me the problem is related to the audio!!??

    (i have background music on and few sound effects)

  • Hi to all,

    i'm testing my little demo on both CocoonJS 1.4 and the default iOS 6.1.3 Safari using the lan Preview (on my ipad4).

    I have a strange effect..

    The game on the Safari is much much faster and smooth than the one compiled with CocoonJS 1.4!!???

    I have very very low framerate!

    Why this happens? Should not usually be the opposite?

    I have WebGl enable in my project.

    Can be that i put "yes" on "Use iOS retina display"?

    Please have any advices about?


  • Great vee41 .. thanks lunarray for this AWESOME Behaviour!!

  • vee41 this would also affect a future mobile version of a game, itself already quite limited by hardware, right?

  • Yes, please fix Ashley i got too this "random/strange" problem!

    Thanks to UberLou to reproduce that issue!

  • Whiteclaws , Great game! :)

  • KaMiZoTo

    The Best for Shoot'em Up "Bullet Hell" is BulletML.

    But as i know there is only a plugin for Construct Classic (ported by Luomu) .. more info at:

    .. and here you can find his reposity of BulletML for CC:

    One of thousands games that use BulletML (but not is Construct2 is in C++ OpenGL) is that "rRootage":

    The original Lib is created by a Japanese guy (Kenta Cho) and i read somewhere that this lib is used too in some very famous arcade COIN-OP games!!

    There is anyone that can port to Construct 2?

    Anyway i suppose that is much "heavy" for math used (at least for a mobile porting).

    Any other know more about?

  • Thanks a lot 0plus1!

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Yes correct, the only way to obtain the very latest source is using github (pulling out from reposity the latest commits):

    and they working on some issues like:

    as you can see there is also "our" 0plus1 that reported some issues :)

  • goldentreee Thanks a lot for your explanation.

    Next week i will do some tests too using Ejecta.

    I hope that 0plus1 will continue to post other useful infos and also news about IAP feature :)

    Thanks ..

  • No news about on/off ugly splash screen and price for commercial?

    These questions have always remained mysterious!!

    For this reason also me pass to use Ejecta (every week one or more update/fix)

  • goldentreee very interesting infos.


    PS: but both systems no have any implementation of dynamic memory loading method? also CocoonJS?

  • Hi to all, hi Ashley,

    thanks for reply.

    Yes the problem is not the .zip generated by C2 but is in the CocoonJS generated file.

    Anyway after 24 hours i generated again exactly the same file and magically the .m4a files are inside the file too.

    Seems that the problem is a kind of cache system that generate again on server the file previously generated something like that.

    Anyway .. problem solved.

    Thanks too :)

  • Please 0plus1 continue to update this project.

    Have you news about the in-app plugin?

    Thanks see later ..

  • Hi to all,

    i'm trying to export on cocoonJs my early test game, but i'm having problem with audio.

    Before i export on cocoonJs i have re-import againg all the few SFX + one music in WAV format all in the "sounds" folder .. so, in this way, i have for each both .ogg and .m4a files.

    So i export to cocoonJs and build the game on the CocoonJS cloud service site.

    I receive the compiled file then and compile on mac using xcode.

    All ok .. but when i execute on my ipad the example is completely mute.

    I use a simple "Play" command of the music (but i try too to make a preload and play but the same mute effect).

    So i look inside the CocoonJs compiled package and i notice that the SFX and Music files inside are in .ogg format.

    But on mobile devices, the exported files should not be in m4a format?

    Please let me know about how i can solve that.

    Thanks a lot.

    (i'm using latest beta r129)