MyXpandaZ's Forum Posts

  • dop2000 THANKS!

  • Hi! If we have a Drawing Canvas with a size for example 500 by 500, we draw something on it and then change the size to 400 by 400, then when we try to start drawing again, the previous drawing will be erased. The same thing will happen if we resize the game screen

    Is there any way to save the drawing?


  • Hello! Any ideas how we can do something similar in construct 3?


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  • Hi. I'm making a game where I need to create about 2000-5000 sprites. I create them when I start the layout. This causes the game to freeze for 5-15 seconds, is there any way to avoid this?

  • igortyhonHi, it works for me too for some projects. Ashley wrote that web worker detects this automatically

  • Ashley And is it possible to know what is a problem for a web worker? In my case web worker increases FPS by 15%. That's a lot. But at the same time I don't want to take a risk and turn it on forcibly

    I found the problem: I had a start of layout event: globalThis["onGameLoaded"](); and if this event is removed the web worker will work.

    I checked, and any js code disables the web worker

  • I started making a game the day r388-2 was released. everything was fine, today I noticed my game's fps dropped. I started to check what's wrong, and it turned out that now the game does not use web worker and runs in DOM, while the previous build of my game, automatically also defines web worker. All project settings are the same, the only difference is that in the zip file of the old game there is a file webworker.js and in the new version of this file is not.

    P.S. Yeah, that sounds like a bug. I have 2 games, with the same settings, both projects have web worker: auto. The first game works with webworker and creates webworker.js file, but the second project does not create webworker.js file


  • winkr7No, it happens at runtime. I just execute the "past object" command, and the sprite appears offset on the drawing canvas.

  • Hello! I'm not sure if this is normal or not. But it's really bothersome to me, as when I paste an object into the drawing canvas, it usually shifts slightly to the left and upwards. This significantly disrupts the visual aspect of the game. Here's a GIF example of how I paste a sprite into the drawing canvas and then delete it.


  • Hello, I want a player to be able to draw on one layout and then transfer it to his gallery on another layout. Is it possible to do this? Is it possible to transfer a drawing in "Draw canvas" to another layout?

  • Hello, i have this code

    runtime.CanvasManager.prototype.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return "scale-outer";}.

    It works as it should, but if I export the game with adavanced minify it stops working. I've tried all options, I've tried replacing runtime with c3, I've tried uncompressing some parts of the code, I've tried completely uncompressing the whole line of code, but it doesn't work.

    My options are:

    ['runtime.CanvasManager.prototype.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return "scale-outer";}']

    runtime['CanvasManager.prototype.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return "scale-outer";}']]

    runtime.CanvasManager.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return "scale-outer";}']

    ['runtime.CanvasManager.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return "scale-outer";}']

    runtime['CanvasManager.prototype.GetDocumentFullscreenMode = function () {return scale-outer;}']

    And about 10 other combinations. Nothing works

  • Hello, I have a large plugin about 5000 lines of code. How can I get this plugin to work with advanced minify I realize I can use ['name'] something like that but that would take hours, is there an easier way?


  • R0J0hound Hello! Can you tell me if your example can be bound to deltatime? There are some controversial points and I don't know how to do it better. Thank you very much for what you do!

    P.S. Sorry to still torment you with my questions and requests, but you are a pro! I wanted to ask you how do you think it is possible to improve performance if you consider the logic for characters outside the screen differently?

  • Ashley Yes, it seems very effective, but here, for example, objects are static and do not interact with each other. For example, we tried to use the example from R0J0hound(, it works more efficiently than physics, but it is still not able to produce 60 fps at 1000 objects on my PC, while your test with pigs my pc can withstand at 50k objects.

  • WackyToasterYes I'm sure of it, there are really a lot of enemies, on the first level with about 10 minutes they go thousands, it certainly does not work perfectly there are also lags, but there are a lot of objects! And thanks for the tips, we will try to apply a lot of things to get good results!