How can I make dye divorces on drawing canvas?

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  • Hello! Any ideas how we can do something similar in construct 3?


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  • Looks like a grid based fluid simulation. It would mostly just be a matter of adapting a fluid sim algorithm with arrays and the displaying the result with a drawing canvas. Performance will be poor on all fronts though. Instead of using events you’d want to use js or wasm to process it faster. Displaying per pixel with the drawing canvas alone will be slow too. But that’s pretty much what we have available. Maybe limit the canvas size or use a scaled canvas.

    Fastest approaches do the fluid on the gpu but in general c3’s renderer is rather specific with what gpu stuff you can do with it.

    There are js libraries that do fluid but those aren’t trivial to modify to get the result into c3.

    Short version is there is no simple drop in solution at this time, instead it’s a complex Frankensteins monster to get something working. Of course I’m speaking from the point of view of knowing what’s involved, and not having enough time to actually do it. In the end there are simplifications that probably make it closer to a drop in thing. But it’s mostly the busywork to get there.

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